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Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
Made the At-Board list. This is my second actual attempt (OR error on the first one) and fourth board I've tried to submit to. Best of luck everyone!
Hey I've seen your bad luck for a couple boards, hopefully this one is all yours man!
Every fleet pro-rec Y and pro-rec N from the last supply board was from NRD 198. that might not be the only number associated with AD though so keep that in mind.
Can confirm, the AD guy I am referring to was under 198 so that's sounds right. @Goldy421


Well-Known Member
Maybe.... JUST MAYBE

Someone said earlier that the board potentially had already convened.. Maybe some who aren't on the At Board List were already selected, and this list that just posted is some of the remaining that will be selected on the 25th?

Nahh probably not. Didn't think so either.


So I was not on the at board list but I talked to my recruiter and he said he was able to confirm that I was indeed at the board. I submitted for the November board back in July and I was not on that at board list and was told that day I got pushed to this board. I know in the November board there were some whose names weren’t on the at board list who got selected.


Well-Known Member
For everyone who asked....my recruiter gave me a call...how she knows goes beyond my paygrade....FY spots, bla bla bla, all that jazz....told me the Navy won't be taking any pilot applications until the board in August....but there's also the board in May....and even though that is still up in the air, she told me that she hasn't seen any board being down right cancelled yet....so there's that....in all honesty I don't think anyone really knows what the fuck is going on....but if any of us is trying to resubmit for a May/August board, I'd make sure, double check that your package's already there and ready to go.....getting rolled over twice has to be as morally defeating as getting your ass kicked by deer outside of Cecil Field in Jacksonville

Ghost SWO

Well-Known Member
For everyone who asked....my recruiter gave me a call...how she knows goes beyond my paygrade....FY spots, bla bla bla, all that jazz....told me the Navy won't be taking any pilot applications until the board in August....but there's also the board in May....and even though that is still up in the air, she told me that she hasn't seen any board being down right cancelled yet....so there's that....in all honesty I don't think anyone really knows what the fuck is going on....but if any of us is trying to resubmit for a May/August board, I'd make sure, double check that your package's already there and ready to go.....getting rolled over twice has to be as morally defeating as getting your ass kicked by deer outside of Cecil Field in Jacksonville
That sucks.

I think she saw you didn't become a contributor and had no choice but to roll you to the next board? I joke.