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  1. A

    House for rent VA Beach

    Cross posting from the good ole SNA/SNFO housing swap. Central to all Hampton Roads navy bases, best school district, pet friendly. I’m a SNFO so I’ll hook it up on the rent a bit. More pics at the FB link. Wanted to reach non aviators that may be lurking here too as it’s a good distance to...
  2. Mckegger

    Clearance fiasco..

    Just got to the FRS. Checking in with CSM I come to find out my clearance reads “Adjudication action Incomplete - Loss of Jurisdiction”. I’ve now been around the ringer with 3 different people telling me 3 different stories at CSM... I was never gained by my training wing organization thus...
  3. Cotton

    USN 1310 got a NAMI NAA, now forced out via POCR

    I'm at the end of my rope. After some FRS syllabus troubles I got my NATOPS qual but then got sent to NAMI and received a NAA (non-aeronautically adapted). I was told as a probationary officer I met the qualifications to go to the POCR (probationary officer continuation and redesignation) board...