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  1. J

    will i be medically dqed

    Hey guys. I'm a sophomore in college in the process of joining NROTC. I hope to be selected for SNA but I have a condition called Pulmonary Stenosis. It's a congenital heart defect but the doctors never found it until I was 17 and have said it is very mild. Do y'all think I will be medically...
  2. E

    How much more or less in-depth is the flight physical when starting flight training at Pensacola

    USMC Pilot contract here, I got back from NAMI about a month ago and everything went fine and I didn't need waivers, however I was told that my vision wasn't as good as I thought and I will need to wear contacts or glasses, however I am curious what would be the case if my vision regresses past...
  3. A

    NAMI flight Physical

    How long did it take for you to hear back from NAMI about your flight physical? No waivers required. -p.s. enlisted waiting for flight physical to cross rate
  4. W

    Need clarification on OCS medical physicals

    So you arrive at OCS and you do a medical exam. And then you do an exam with NAMI right after that. However, then you arrive in Pensacola, wait around for NIFE, THEN you do another exam with NAMI with another chance to potentially DQ? So you could wait around for a year to start flight school...
  5. Average Monke

    Need depth perception test

    Hello all, I'm in the final stages of completing my OCS packet and my recruiter just informed me that MEPS did not conduct a required depth perception test when I went in for my medical exam. My recruiter recommended that I do not go back to MEPS to complete the depth perception test, and...
  6. alfanier

    Keratoconus Waiver

    Hi everyone, This is my first post, though I’ve been reading a lot on this forum over the last year. I am applying for a pilot slot after I finish school- my main concern is my eye condition, keratoconus. I just got CXL surgery to prevent it from progressing and I still have 20/20 vision, but...
  7. AwsumAwstun

    Waiver for vision?

    Hey guys. Long time reader, first post. I am completely done with my packet for SWO (56 OAR, 3.35 GPA, Marketing degree, 5+years in management). I'm only waiting for a consultation regarding my eyesight. In 2011 I attempted to enlist and was told by my recruiter, "They're not letting you in...
  8. RachelCharlotte

    Chances of Appealing a Headache Waiver Denial?

    This is gonna be a little long-- sorry about that! I'm a firstie at USNA and will be commissioning almost exactly one month from now. I was elated to service select NFO and be one step closer to being a WSO. However, no one ever told me that it was career suicide to use the word migraine (which...
  9. P

    Waiver for hypothyroidism?

    Ok, I'm sorry to be asking something that most people probably won't know the answer to. But I've gotten so many different responses. I have hypothyroidism. It is controlled with medication. I can function probably around 90-95% normally with out medication. I'm on armor-thyroid which is a way...
  10. F

    Waiver for Mild Pulmonary Stenosis

    Hi there, I'm new to this board and am currently in the process of applying to OCS (SNA or SNFO). I have been told I have competitive stats for the flight program. I'm expecting to graduate from a top 5 US University next year with a 3.7 GPA and degrees in mathematics (special honors) and...
  11. J

    Aviation WO medical concern?

    I am very new to this form, as this is my first post, and I have some questions about my medical history and if it will affect my chances of getting an aviation Warrent Officer slot. First I would like to say that I plan on enlisting into the Army as a 15T for some time, get a college degree...