Please take a moment and update your account profile. If you have an updated account profile with basic information on why you are on Air Warriors it will help other people respond to your posts. How do you update your profile you ask?
Hi, I’m a high school senior looking to graduate this year and continue education through a California Community College for two years before transferring to a four year university with an NROTC. I’ve always had a desire to join Naval Aviation but Im afraid that past health issues may interfere...
Hello All,
Currently a junior in a 5 year mechanical engineering degree, 70 credits completed thus far. The requirements to join for the college program at my schools unit were that you had to have 30-60 college credits to enroll. I am obviously over that limit. I go to check out BDCP with OCS...
Hello everyone! I want to fly jets off of aircraft carriers, plain and simple. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a kid, so cool. I’m currently 18 years old, graduated high school in May, and I’m not sure what my best course of action is to even get my foot in the door with this. I’m...
I am an upcoming 1/C with service selection happening in September. I have taken my ASTB 2 times and took about 8 months from try 1 to try 2 to study. I did all the forums, the apps I could find, even bought a stick and throttle. My scores are 4/5/5 and I was shocked considering I felt...
I am submitting my service selection application in early September for SNA and was wondering if I should keep my current ASTB score or retake it.
I received a 6/7/6 on my first attempt, I am tier 3 major with a 3.0 GPA, PRT of 92, and I am ranked in the middle amongst my peers at NROTC.
Hello, I am a current prospective pilot who is hoping to fly for the Navy. I have been researching and I have found no clear answer between finishing college and obtaining a commission through OCS, or going into NROTC. I have finished my freshman year of college this past spring which makes me...
I’m currently a 1/C MIDN set to commission this coming December. My number 1 choice for service selection is Aviation and my true number 2 choice would be SWO(N). I’ve heard that a Tier one major with above a 2.75 GPA shouldn’t put nuclear options anywhere on their selection sheet unless...
So, I am in the middle of my junior year of high school and eager to apply for the NROTC scholarship. I am going to apply this summer so I can get on one of the earlier boards (I think this info is correct). At the end of my junior year, my only real leadership position will be Varsity Swim...
I am considering doing NROTC in college and my top choice would most likley be Penn State. Does anyone have experience with NROTC and maybe even specifically at Penn State.
I am currently a junior in high school and I know I want to be a Navy Officer. My best and favorite careers are STEM/Number related. So, I was thinking CW or IP. But, I found out that you cannot receive those commissions from NROTC. I am very academically smart and a good leader. Do you think...
I am a high school junior that wants to become a Naval Officer after college. I am very good with math and numbers. Pretty much STEM related careers. I noticed that on the website it doesn’t give the commission option of like a CW or an IP. So my main question is can you recieve those...
NROTC MIDN just got a SNFO slot. Put NFO second to SNA. Obviously very happy to not be a SWO but I had my heart set on pilot so there's definitely some disappointment. Wondering if anyone has experience or knows the chances on redesignating before commissioning. I figure there may be some way to...
I’m a rising MIDN 1/C and I have done everything I can to be assigned aviator. I have a 7/8/8 ASTB, 3.8 GPA, 285 PRT, and have ranked in the top 5 for the past few semesters. I got an email today saying I up-screened for a naval reactor interview. Does this have any bearing on being...
My college only offers Army and Air Force ROTC at my college, Texas Christian University. I intend to do OCS after college but if NROTC was an option here I would jump right on it. I do not want to do ROTC for another branch and try to transfer to the Navy at the time of graduation...
I'm a currently a high school junior who has been thinking quite some time about a career in the Navy with ROTC. However, like most high schoolers, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do or how long. Ever since I was little I always loved flying and I think it would amazing to go into...
Hi everyone I just submitted my application for the 4-year NROTC scholarship. I know there are a ton of these questions out there but I had a couple of other questions about this year's board.
SAT:1320 (680 English 640 Math)
ACT:30 (29 English 27 Math)
GPA: 4.14
Class Rank 137/343
So my XO says that service assignments should be coming out earlier this year. Last year they came out on October 12th, and that was supposedly "late".
Does anyone have an update? I'm so anxious.
Currently heading into my 1/C year at the only State Maritime Academy that does not have an NROTC Battalion or cross-town option. Having opted out of the SSMP (Formerly "MMR") program due to their shortage of Active Component billets, I will graduate in June 2018 with a B.S. in Marine...
Does anyone have information about NROTC midshipman who have been up-screened for the submarine community, then gone through the nuke interview and ended up getting Pilot as there service assignment? I have another year until service assignment with a 3.62 in Systems Engineering and I've been...
Quick background, my question is in the second paragraph......I am a high school senior already committed to my number one college. This school has everything I was looking for in a college, except NROTC. Though this was not a necessity when I was picking my schools. I now know I want to...
I'm hearing a ton of talk about how the College Program is going to get cutbacks in Advance Standings and how Sideloads are near impossible to get; and if a Tier I or II can't get a Advance Standing or Sideload, then a Tier III Midshipman has no chance. On the other hand, I've also heard a lot...
Hello Air Warriors,
My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year of high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through the NROTC program. My question is, how are jobs chosen after NROTC? Do you get whatever job you want if you are qualified for it, is it assigned...
Hello Air Warriors,
My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year in high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through an NROTC program. I think that I can pass all aspects of the flight physical except that there may be a problem with one thing...a few years ago I...
Hello Air Warriors,
My name is Eric and I am just starting my junior year of high school. I am extremely interested in becoming a Navy NFO through the NROTC program. I would like to be a pilot, but unfortunately for me my distance vision isn't that great, and I hear that it is usually better...
Hello Everyone,
I was wondering about the selection rate for aviators in NROTC. Some AFROTC detachments post their selection rates, but I can't kind any NROTC post that do that. Thanks and God Bless!
Hey all,
I'm a rising senior in NRTOC at a Big Ten school with a 2.9 GPA in a tier 2 major with a 54 7/6/7 on the ASTB-E. I'm trying to go NFO and have been searching through various forums and haven't found many recent ASTB scores and GPAs that got people into flight school. I understand...
Hey everyone! So this may sound odd, but I have decided to try and become an officer in the Navy instead of being an officer in the Marine Corps. I was researching what is favorable to the selection boards in NROTC units for mid's that want to become Naval Aviator's and how/when to go about...
Hello all! I just made an account on this awesome site and had some very important questions to ask. I am currently a Junior in high school(about to be a senior) and I have been thinking about joining the military, I am a Navy brat who's interested in flying for the military. I have decided to...
Im an active duty E-5, and my EAOS in June 2017. I plan on getting out at my EAOS and Joining a NROTC program. I want to use my Post 9/11 GI Bill, and receive the housing benefits, so I don't necessarily need a scholarship now. would I be better off applying for the scholarship? or count on...
I am currently an NROTC Navy Option Midshipman 3/C on scholarship hoping to switch to Marine Option to get a flight contract. I've been told there are only 5 slots nationwide for such a switch, making it quite competitive, but I know the Marine Corps is looking for pilots so a good set of ASTB...