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  1. T

    Navy Reserves MCWO Help

    Hello everyone! I’m looking for any advice, opinions, thoughts, or critiques regarding my interest in applying for the Reserves MCWO direct commission. My Background: 24 years old (turning 25). I have a master’s degree in cybersecurity from WGU (which means my GPA would be 3.0; my...
  2. Nicholsq


    Hello everyone. I've been searching through the threads and was trying to figure out if it's possible to transfer to the active reserve after serving 20 years on active duty. I commissioned at my 14 year mark. However I'd like to retire as an officer which requires me to serve 10 years...
  3. R

    Chances for Public Affairs Reserves

    Hi, I am just curious if anyone has any insight. If someone has already posted something similar just point me in that direction. My recruiter recommended I go for PAO instead of intel. Now my background is a staffer for Congress and I have several letters from members of Congress. My gpa...
  4. fieldrat

    USN Last minute AT Option for Reserve IWC *read carefully*

    I know that many (most?) of us have been affected by COVID this year, especially when it comes to our two-week Annual Training. Due to site lock-downs and travel restrictions, I've had multiple options fall through. Something that came up recently is doing guided CW (181x) PQS study remotely via...
  5. Stephen Hall

    Join Reserves if at Risk of Not Promoting?

    I am currently an Active Duty O3 Supply Officer and considering a switch to the Navy Reserves. I want to stay Active Duty but fear not making O4. I am at a crossroads here and I have heard two schools of thought: 1. If I join the Navy Reserves now I am told I will be likely to promote to O4...
  6. pdx

    Any advice for transitioning to the Air National Guard?

    After 11.5 years on active duty, I'm getting out soon. Has anyone made the transition to Air National Guard? I'm a helo pilot (HSM), and I am specifically looking at the 129th Rescue Wing near San Francisco. I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of how to transition to the Navy...