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  1. G

    NIFE queue shortened?

    Hello everyone. I am currently a student at The Basic School with two months to go. We have been hearing rumors from the LT underground that the previous multiple month wait for NIFE has been significantly shortened and the course itself may have been shortened as well. Can anyone shed some...
  2. tellEmViperSentYou

    ASTB Dec2024 ASTB-E Experience (71/8/6/6)

    TLDR; good at math, bad at video games. studied 2 weeks, did okay. Took the ASTB-E at a Marine Officer Selection Station today (12/11). Experience and lessons learned: 1) This is my second time taking it. I took it once when I was 19 without preparing at all because my recruiter told me it...
  3. A

    USMC I fly 5 hours a month and I want out.

    Used this forum back in 2016 for ASTB/OCS gouge, fast forward to now and I am a junior fleet Marine helicopter pilot. The majority of the ready room flies 5 hours or less each month, my ground billet is 10-14 hours per day of meaningless, endless paperwork, meanwhile my peers in other branches...
  4. C

    Can I show up to TBS in 2024 without Alphas?

    Boot 2nd Lt here, recently commissioned. I have Charlies, but not Alphas, and my TBS date got moved up much sooner than expected. We're told to show up in cammies which is great, but how soon will I need to get Alphas once I check in to TBS? I've seen some older threads that say I don't need...
  5. NJ Devil Dog

    Great Units

    Hi all, Throughout NIFE and Primary we've heard stories about great squadrons and awful ones. To all you old salts with stories to share about the good/bad squadrons you have passed through, specifically what made them so good or bad, I'd appreciate your input. There's always the unofficial...
  6. Leveredup17

    I Just Passed The ASTB (USMC) 5/7/6 First Try AMA

    As the title says, I just passed the ASTB with the minimums for a USMC OCS Air contract on my first go on 4/27/23; as there were plenty of helpful resources out there I would like to give back by answering whatever I can. Some main points that stuck out for me were as follows. I feel as...
  7. NJ Devil Dog

    Legacy Hornet and Harrier Pilots

    Hello All, Does anyone know what is happening to the Harrier and Hornet pilots once their platforms are retired? Do they automatically go over to F-35 B’ sand C’s respectively? It appears that the Corps is cutting down on their F-35’s order meaning there will be less F-35’s (B’s and C’s...
  8. R

    OCC-242/OCC-243 SNA BOARD

    Hey y'all, I've been spending a decent amount of time perusing the Navy OCS thread and realized there wasn't one for USMC. Is anyone on here a Naval Aviator candidate in the Marine Officer program submitting to this upcoming board? I'm hoping to be selected and head to OCC-242 on January 14th...
  9. NJ Devil Dog

    The All Mighty Huey

    Hello! Flight contract looking to learn a bit more about Super Huey’s (Bell UH-1Y Venom). It looks like one of the most interesting platforms that the USMC has. - How long can we expect the Huey to stick around before being phased out/replaced with a new aircraft? - What is the usual...
  10. F

    Failed DP at MEPs. Options to retake, or do I switch paths?

    I went through MEPS today. Everything else besides my DP was stellar. I've been dreaming of flying for the Marine Corps for a while (two marine aviators in my family), but after my failed DP, I'm at a crossroads. I've seen a bunch of information on here about how getting a civilian waiver is no...
  11. O

    Switching branches before OCS

    Hello, I am currently a rising senior in college, and have been accepted to Navy OCS as a swo select. I have started work recently with a Marine infantry officer who explained the Marine Corps and the mission to me and I am considering pursuing a commission to the USMC after college, despite my...
  12. Zequa

    Which selection boards are traditionally most competitive?

    Just wondering if there is any knowledge/experience on which selection boards traditionally have the most competitive officer applicants? The answer may be all of them, but I was talking with another officer candidate and we just had the theory that the first summer board in which fresh...
  13. PMCsmiles

    In search of experienced pilot

    Me and my team are in search of an experienced USMC, USN or USAF pilot for an up and coming PMC. MUST have experience flying fixed wing and rotary. If anyone is interested, we will talk details privately offline.
  14. Chippewa19

    Timeline and is PRK still preferred?

    I wear glasses and my prescription is within the NAMI standards to get PRK or LASIK out of pocket. (-3.25, -3.0) I am starting the application process for PLC-Air and I was planning on having the surgery this spring so I have a 6+ month window for everything to check out before MEPS and NAMI...
  15. Kevin leslie

    Questions about >PLC (Aviation Contract)

    Good afternoon, My name is Kevin Leslie I am fresh out of highschool and taking my first collage courses at a community collage before I transfer to Massachusetts Maritime Academy, (IACBE: Bachelor of Science in International Maritime Business.) I had a uncle who was a NFO in the ea-6b...
  16. Khaanh

    GOUGE Big 'ol Gouge Folder

    Hi all, this link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B3H2TOw-sb8WeVVNZVpHaHZFeU0 leads to a Google Drive folder containing gouge that I've found helpful, if not necessary--the folder will be continuously updated, and the included files are listed below. Please let me know of any outdated...
  17. Derringer

    NFO process and qualifications

    Hi everyone, I have read several threads here over the last year or so. I just today set up an account to ask for some input from you all. It would be really great to hear from those with particularly recent experience with becoming a USMC NFO. Of course, any advice and info would help...
  18. B

    Branch Dilemma - Advice Needed

    Hi all, Let me preface this with "Yes, I am a jackass and I should have thought about this sooner" and "I'm sorry RUFiO181, I should have asked my recruiter the first day I talked to him". My current situation is that I've just been given the N3M approval to have my MEPS physical, the details...
  19. H

    Some USMC NFO Questions- Advice Appreciated

    I've been lurking on this forum pretty heavily for the past month or so and I was wondering if I could get some input from some of the more experienced posters. Some Background: I'm a soon to be 1/C at the Naval Academy and am rapidly approaching the time when I need to put in my preferences...
  20. H

    V22 vs. Helo homelife

    Good day all, I am a USMC lt. with a wife and baby girl. I am trying to juxtapose the at home time for both selection pipelines, V22 and Rotary. Also, if anyone has any insight for V22, transferring over into civilian life vs. Rotary, that would be appreciated. V/R SNA
  21. Chippewa19

    Marine Air Career Timeline

    Greetings. I've been looking long and hard at pursuing a PLC/OCC Air contract this coming year, and my research has generated a few questions regarding the career options available for a prospective 75xx. 1. Assuming that one is selected for a PLC Air contract and completes OCS, following...
  22. M

    Primary Flight Question?

    Good evening all, I was wondering if anyone knows the policy for pinks sheets before PRB/Drop, specifically for marines at NAS Whiting Field (Primary Flight)? I know in API it is two and out (no exceptions), curious if the policy stands though the rest of your training or just in API. Any word...
  23. E

    USMC Flight Jackets

    An Uncle of mine was in the USMC from 1980 to 1987 as a crew member on a c-130. He mentioned having lost his flight jacket from said period of service, I would like to know what the issue jacket was at the time. The only other details that I have are that it was nylon and winter issue. Any...
  24. USMCmorrison

    Questions: Post TBS and Pcola

    I commission on July 1st and report to TBS on October 3rd of this year. I have a few questions as far as the timeline after TBS as I am looking to get married after TBS. 1. How much time do I have between TBS and Pcola? 2. Who do I need to talk to about getting married in between classes? 3...
  25. 1

    Interservice Transfer (USMC to USN) in Flight School

    I'm a Marine SNA in primary. Due to a variety of reasons, I am interested in an inter-service transfer to Navy aviation. I have become extremely interested certain Navy aviation communities (namely P8s or Growlers... the missions that the Marines aren't really doing), something I wasn't really...
  26. Future Pilot619

    Interested In Becoming a pilot for the USMC through NROTC

    Hello all! I just made an account on this awesome site and had some very important questions to ask. I am currently a Junior in high school(about to be a senior) and I have been thinking about joining the military, I am a Navy brat who's interested in flying for the military. I have decided to...
  27. Noel Dandoy

    USMC Enlisted to OCS? opinions and thoughts

    Greetings all, this is my first ever post here so please bear with me and let me introduce some personal details. I'm 19 years old and currently finishing up my sophomore year of community college. I have just been accepted to a handful of CSUs and UCs and will be transferring out this fall. I...
  28. Woodsman

    ASTB A synopsis of the ASTB for the new guys and girls.

    I took the ASTB since I am a PLC aviation candidate in the DFW, TX area. Last week, I passed the exam with a 52/6/6/7; it was my second (and most likely final) attempt. Here is a brief synopsis of how the test went: 1. Leave any calculators, phones, smart watches, etc. outside of the testing...
  29. Woodsman

    I take the ASTB in a week...

    It's my second time to take the ASTB for the USMC PLC program. What is a good way to mentally prepare for the HOTUS throttle and joystick test? That was the ONLY thing I failed last time. Any advice is helpful.
  30. DesertRooster

    Are you assigned any Type of Aircraft in Primary Flight Training?

    I'm wondering how people are assigned what type of aircraft you fly and how it is decided in primary flight training