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  1. D

    Question about vision requirements

    Greetings all, I am trying to get some clarification on the vision standards for naval aviation as I have seen a number of different answers. As I understand it, the current guidelines are that your vision can be no worse than 20/40, and must be correctable to 20/20. I have also seen that the...
  2. Andrew_franny

    Falant test locations

    Hey guys, I have been looking for a thread that has compiled locations of all Farnsworth Lantern tests (I was an idiot and didn't save it). I was wondering if anyone had knowledge of the thread or other info on the whereabouts of the test? I live in Washington. Before you guys say it's been...
  3. Zequa

    Will you fail the vision test if you don't have 20/20 at NAMI?

    Going to NAMI soon, and was wondering if they will turn you away if you have anything less than 20/20, but better than 20/40? Will they tell you to get a prescription or PRK/LASIK and then come back at a later date? How will they know you're correctable to 20/20? I'm just trying to figure out if...
  4. alfanier

    Keratoconus Waiver

    Hi everyone, This is my first post, though I’ve been reading a lot on this forum over the last year. I am applying for a pilot slot after I finish school- my main concern is my eye condition, keratoconus. I just got CXL surgery to prevent it from progressing and I still have 20/20 vision, but...
  5. cgross220

    Aced the ASTB, what next?

    Hey everyone, First off I wanted to say thanks to everyone who's posted and commented on here. As someone that's wanted to become a fighter pilot all my life, I've looked over this site for years and taken in invaluable information that has undoubtedly aided in my process this far and I'm sure...
  6. WannaFlyHigh

    Should I get LASIK before OCS?

    Background: So I used to search function to find a similar instance of what I am going thru and could not find any useful info. So I am applying to SNA and already took the ASTB. Last year I had a vision test done and was told I had a slight near sightedness in my eyes. I have glasses for 20/35...
  7. S

    Stereopsis DQ

    I'm in the process of applying for OCS as an aviation contract to become a pilot. During vision testing at NAMI I was told I have stereopsis and am unqualified to become a pilot because of it. However the doctor did mention vision therapy can help improve/ cure the problem but he didn't seem...
  8. AwsumAwstun

    Waiver for vision?

    Hey guys. Long time reader, first post. I am completely done with my packet for SWO (56 OAR, 3.35 GPA, Marketing degree, 5+years in management). I'm only waiting for a consultation regarding my eyesight. In 2011 I attempted to enlist and was told by my recruiter, "They're not letting you in...
  9. Saucebaus

    Is ptosis something to be concerned about?

    Hello, I'm new to this forum so I'm sorry if this is the wrong place. I'm a former enlisted Marine finishing up my last year in college. I'm currently competing for a Marine air contract. I was born with ptosis of my right eyelid. It doesn't affect my vision at all but is definitely noticeable...
  10. Gerardo Charles

    Uncorrected Vision Influence on Specialization

    So my vision is 20/25 and correctable to 20/20. I already got a pilot slot and I know that I am physically qualified to pilot anything in the Navy, but my question is this: will my vision ever play factor during the selection process after basic training? I just have a hard time believing they...
  11. T

    SNA's Getting Glasses

    Any issue getting glasses/contacts once you've started training? Already through primary, I've been 20/20 up to this point but things have been starting to seem a bit fuzzy especially during night time driving. I doubt I'm beyond the 20/40 limit for new accessions, but the NAMI guides I've...
  12. J

    SNA Vision Requirements

    So I've recently been accepted to OCS under the designation of SNA, and I just wanted to clear something up real quick. I'm aware that for applicants you need 20/40 uncorrected and correctable to 20/20. However my vision is 20/100 uncorrected, and 20/20 corrected. (All numbers based off page 4...
  13. S

    LASIK, Naval Vision requirements, MEPS, and Eligibility

    I had a conversation recently with my recruiter. He decided to look into vision requirements for unrestricted line officers after I informed him that I was open to seeking a commission as a SWO. I already took the ASTB-E (and have fairly competitive scores with my GPA), plan on going to MEPS, am...
  14. FemaleNFO

    Minimum vision requirements - HELP

    Hi all, This is my first post to AW, so I apologize if this question has been previously answered. I want to become a officer in the US Navy, NFO specifically. From what I've read on here and various other platforms, in order to qualify for naval service your vision must be correctable to...
  15. Armitage

    SNA and Depth Perception

    Hello Everyone, Last night my recruiter dropped the bomb on me that I had been disqualified for SNA because I didn't score high enough on the Depth Perception test. This was pretty baffling to me but I'm gonna go ahead and assume it's not a mistake of some kind and try to move forward. I've...
  16. E

    Would I still need Lasik?

    Hey everyone, I am a bit confused regarding the LASIK process... I can see 20/40 uncorrected, and 20/20 corrected, but according to the naval aeromedical guide my farsightedness correction can't be over a TOTAL of +3.00 diopters (I'm 3.25) combined both eyes Does that mean I would need...