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3 Year Scholarships


Registered User
I am looking for any info on how 3 year scholarships are awarded. I know it is a national selection process but does each school get so many, each region?? I know it varies but what does the typical package look like GPA wise etc. Thanks.


Standing by for the RIF !
I did a 3 year. Did CP as a freshman. Granted that was 25 years ago but I think it's always been that the three year scholarship was the best kept secret going. Assuming you do well as a freshman in CP - and your grades are say above a 2.5, and your PRT is good, I bet a 3 year scolarship is all but a gimme. Go for it.


Super Moderator
When I did ROTC 10 years ago there were two ways to get a 3 year scholarship. The first was to get it your senior year in high school. The Navy thought you were smart and would probably be worth it to send to college, they just wanted to see how you did your first year and then start paying. The second way to get a scholarship was to do pretty well your first year of school, at my school the guys who usually got one had about a 3.2 or above, and do fine on your PRT you would usually get one. The best people to ask though are the friendly staff members of your local NROTC unit.


Well-Known Member
There is a backdoor into the 3-yr scholarship program. You can do it traditionally and participate in the NROTC Unit and get your scholarship through them after a year or you can do what I did. To recieve a scholarship you have to have under 30 credit hours, that equivalent to one year in college. I went to a state university, did well, got my scholarship and had a year NROTC free. I think it helps you get an idea of what a typical college student (nrotc free) goes through. Just don't go to a university that has amazing girls that out number the boys then transfer to ERAU where the girls are near extinction. Any other questions PM, I know a lot of stuff about the 3 year deals.


I'm talkin, G-5...!
av8ok, I'm in a similar situation to you. Every year the "standard package" varies a bit. This time around - at least at my unit - it seems like anything above a 3.5 has a decent shot at a scholarship. But you also have to factor in PRT scores and aptitude as well. Also, what are you majoring in? The Navy does show some preference to tech majors, but that doesn't mean you have to be in one to have a good shot.


I am a 1/C this year, and I was a CP my freshman year. Grades are extremely important, and so is your PRT, like everyone has said...but there are always the PNS scholarships that are given out. I had a horrible first semester...but turned around my second semester, got really good grades, participated in everything I could to get my name out there, and overall I wowed the staff and the Capt...and was awarded a 3-year PNS scholarship. Each school should get about 2, but there is also the national 3-year scholarship board...which I didn't get put up for. Be sure to work hard if you are a CP, getting your name out there is the best bet for yourself.:D


Registered User
I'm a Marine option 4/C MIDN now (College Program). Does anyone know anything about what it takes to get a 3yr Marine option scholarship (ex. normal GPA, PFT scores, the impact of the MOI's recommendation)?