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A Couple of Quick Questions


New Member
Hi Everyone,

My name is Matt and I am a high school Senior in Bethesda, Md. While my aspirations to become a U.S. Navy Officer seem like a distant goal for the future, I nonetheless have some questions that I’d love to bounce off of the AirWarriors community. Here they are:

1. What is the likelihood of my being ProRec’d for Naval Aviation (Sorry to start off with such a blunt question)? For as I can remember, I’ve dreamt of being a Naval Aviator, and have worked hard in school to keep such a dream a possibility. I have a 3.9 core GPA, scored a 2360 (out of 2400) on my SATs, am the editor of my school newspaper, and am a three year letterwinner on both of my school’s football and lacrosse teams. Additionally, I am lucky enough to continue my lacrosse career in college in Philly next year.

Obviously, my performance in high school will have no bearing on my acceptance into OCS; however, should I keep such performance up through college, what would my chances of being ProRec’d for aviation be? More specifically, what needs to be improved upon?

2. What opportunities for graduate schooling does the Navy offer to aviators on shore? A grad school degree is becoming increasingly important in today’s job market, and it’s certainly something I plan to pursue. Is this a possibility in the Navy?

3. What post-Navy opportunities are out there for Naval Aviators? As of right now, I’m really interested in a career in government, marketing/communications, or a federal agency. In short, what do Naval Aviators do once they’re done flying?

Thanks so much for your help with this. I’ve been reading AirWarriors a lot lately, and I’ve been really inspired by the people offering up advice and anecdotes on its message boards. This site has certainly shown me some of the great people that make up U.S. Armed Services!

Very Respectfully,



Well-Known Member
Hi Matt. All of your questions have been asked before and if you read around these forums thoroughly you will find the answers.

Overall though I would say you are definitely on the right track. Biggest thing right now for someone like you is to stay out of trouble and keep studying hard. No arrests!

Looks like you already know where you are going for college but maybe look into a ROTC unit at your school or maybe your school shares a unit with another school.