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A few more Questions from a wannabe


Below Ladder
Hello again,

I have a few quick questions before I go in tomorrow and submit my application and take the ASTB.

First, I am applying for both SNA and SNFO. When my package goes to the respective communities for a possible pro-rec, could I get pro-rec'd for SNA AND SNFO? If that can happen, when do I decide which I would like to go in to?

Second, how long does it usually take them to scrutinize the package? I'm trying to make a January board, but my transcripts might not make it for another couple of weeks.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you to everyone who posts on these forums. This place has been a HUGE source of information and has allowed me to make what I think are pretty well-informed decisions and has been my only real gauge as to what the aviation community is really like. I can't ask for more than that!


New Member
I believe that the same board evaluates for both SNA and SNFO and will only recommend you for one or the other, but not both. Or maybe neither...

Don't even bother trying to figure out how the board deals with timelines, schedules, meetings.... you will go nuts trying to figure it out. Just send it all in as soon as you can and your recruiter should be able to give you a general idea of when you will hear back.


I applied for both SNA and SNFO as well. Since SNA was my first choice that's what my recruiter checked first when i called about results. I was pro-rec for SNA so I didn't even bother to have him check SNFO. That being said, I would think the board would only select you for one or the other, but not both, since that might effectively "waste" a billet.

I'll second that you'll go crazy trying to predict the behavior of the selection board. It took less than a month from first contact with my recruiter to having my package in Millington. I kept thinking "wow, this sure moves quicker than everyone says". Then my application was pushed back to a later board and there were problems with computers and results, etc... All told it was about two and a half months from first contact to pro-rec. Just make sure you get your complete package in and don't try to rush it. Waiting sucks, but that's just the way it is.


Living the Dream
All told it was about two and a half months from first contact to pro-rec..

2 months! Wow! That's actually very impressive. I first contacted my recruiter in May of 2000. I submitted my first package in August of that same year. 2 reapplications and 2 ASTBs later I was pro-rec'd in December 2001 and sworn in in February 2002. Like everyone else has said here. Put in your application and then let your recruiter tell you about how long. But be prepared for a wait.


I didn't mean to make it sound like 2 months was long, just that there are always going to be some delays somewhere during the process. I'm extremely lucky that I've had a pro-active recruiter, and that most of the pieces have fallen into place without much trouble. The board I was originally submitted for would have gotten me my pro-rec about 30 days after first contact.


Below Ladder
Thanks guys,

I'm hoping to find out if I get pro-rec'd by February or so, so I can resubmit quickly if I get denied, but who knows. Oh well, I gotta get some sleep for the ASTB.