New Member
I'm having difficulty locating any concrete answers to this question. I took a mild dose of medication (I think it was Ritalin) growing up until I was about 17. I got off of it and was cleared by the Psychiatrist that prescribed it. Three years later I attempted to join the Air Force, disclosed the information, and had to again get written off for it saying that it is not an issue now and I got accepted into the Air Force.
Fast forward to now, seven more years later, and I'm putting together a package for Navy OCS. I'm going to have to go to MEPS soon and when I was looking over the form I realized that this issue will arise again. It's been nearly 10 years since I've taken anything and I don't even feel like I had a problem to begin with (I was just a hyper kid!). Will this be an issue? Will I have to get another waiver? Will my chances go down for getting picked up?
The reason I ask is because I think it's ridiculous that I am having to do anything with this now and that it could potentially hurt me. I will graduate this December with a 3.36 GPA (which I am expecting to rise), I have great performance reports in the military, and my LORS are from high ranking military individuals who have known me personally for years and say nothing but good things about me. Should I be concerned at all?
Fast forward to now, seven more years later, and I'm putting together a package for Navy OCS. I'm going to have to go to MEPS soon and when I was looking over the form I realized that this issue will arise again. It's been nearly 10 years since I've taken anything and I don't even feel like I had a problem to begin with (I was just a hyper kid!). Will this be an issue? Will I have to get another waiver? Will my chances go down for getting picked up?
The reason I ask is because I think it's ridiculous that I am having to do anything with this now and that it could potentially hurt me. I will graduate this December with a 3.36 GPA (which I am expecting to rise), I have great performance reports in the military, and my LORS are from high ranking military individuals who have known me personally for years and say nothing but good things about me. Should I be concerned at all?