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Advice Please......O.C.S/B.D.C.P

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New Member
I am 19 years old and attended a two year junior college for a year and a half. I worked my but off this summer to obtain 18 semester credits so that I could transfer to a prestigious four year university which I will be transferring to this springas a junior. It has been my dream to become a Aviator (don't mind which airframe). I have very good grades, great recommendations and a overall excellent resume and intend to apply for BDCP or OCS. Unfortunately I have a record and this is where I could use some advice.

5 misdemeanors from one night
-purchase and consumption of alcohol by a minor.
-disorderly conduct
-false identification, lying to a police officer(misdemeanor)
-criminal mischief

-public urination(not even sure if this is on my record)
-speeding ticket for going 40 in the 35 and another minor speeding ticket none of these put points on my license

I was nominated for the Air Force Academy by my congresswoman but this incident a year ago put an end to that. I have been placed in a program to expunge this off of my record. I know that the Navy will still be able to see this and that I will most likely need waivers for it. What are my chances of even making it to the board and then getting selected. How much will this effect my chances and is it even possible? I know that I what I did was dumb and only have myself to blame at this point. I am not looking for sympathy or expecting to receive any. I am simply just trying to figure out my best options and best choices that I have. I understand I have made some bad decisions on my life but I have completely turned my life around, I went from a 1.2 G.P.A in high schools to a 3.8 in college, I have been accepted to a top 50 university and am a semester ahead of most of my friends who graduated with me. Please help me with some advice.

Thank you,


Mobilizer Extraordinaire
You'd have to check for sure, but misdemeanors aren't automatically disqualifying I believe. I had a theft ticket on my record from when I was 16 and it wasn't an issue. Your situation is more serious though.

My advice is to kick ass in college and stay out of trouble for a few years. BDCP might be a tough sell with that record. Work hard and show them you've learned your lessons, then apply OCS We were all stupid at 19. Just show that you grew up.


The biggest hurdle is trying to prove to the board that this type of behavior is in your past. However, that is pretty hard to prove when it happened just a year ago. You have pretty much shot yourself in the foot because you have proven yourself to be dishonest, unlawful, immature, and irresponsible. My question to you is why would the Navy even want to consider someone such as yourself with a troubled past as recent as yours? This is the question you will have to look within to answer. Then you must try to prove why you are not the individual these recent activities have shown you to be. As I said previously you have a BIG hurdle in front of yourself. You have realized your error now correct it!

So basically you will have to prove that you are a model citizen and I would recommend doing a bunch of volunteer work to help emphasize that. Maybe you could join a group that goes around and talks to a younger generation (middle school/ high school kids) about the importance of obeying the law and the problems associated with alcohol as a minor.


New Member
09zx- First of all understand one thing- the road to success does not come overnight. Keep in mind that most things in life and especially in your pursuit to join the military takes patience and persistence. Don't let anyone tell you "you don't have a chance" or "chances are slim" - cast those thoughts out. As noted above, it is time to grow up- stay on course and prove that your childish ways are behind you. Having said that, getting involved in civic service clubs / civil air patrol / volunteer fire-fighter, etc. etc. is good. Show that you are committed to helping others, and at the same time- building a better foundation for yourself. Short term mission trips (through a church of choice) to 3rd world countries for construction projects, medical assistance, vocational support are also good. Collect letters of appreciation along the way. Create a "black-book" write down names of people you meet, get their numbers and let them know your ambitions and that someday you may be calling on them as references. Good references can go a long way with a troubled childhood past. Stay in school. Lastly, you are young- you have time- don't get discouraged if things don't go as you want them to. Stay the course- and always remember these three letters.... PMA- they teach us this in survival school... PMA PMA PMA- learn this as a 19 year old and it'll help out in many areas of your life as you continue to mature- Positive Mental Attitude... its worth knowing- in todays world, I find myself reciting it pretty often. Best of luck to you.


is clara ship
Never heard of escape, but that sounds like an above in headwork.....at least until you, ya know, got caught :)


With the way the NAVY is right now, overmanned and all, you are pretty much done. The only advice I can give you is to graduate, stay out of trouble in the mean time, and maybe enlist for a few years so you can prove to them that you are not that guy anymore. Otherwise, I just don't see this happening right now, unless a major conflict brakes out. You have one thing going for you, age. If you are a 19 year old Junior that means that you will graduate by the time you are 21-22 years old, enlist for a few years and get picked up from the fleet for OCS in time for the 29 year old age limit for SNA with prior service. That, or apply for a field which is undermanned, and there ain't too many of those. Last time when I spoke with my OR about that, Seals and Nukes were about the only two fields that have good rates of acceptance, but those two are not exactly a walk in the park either.

Good Luck Man, I hope it works out for you. Just remember that patience is a virtue---especially true for people serving in the military.
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