So I took the ASTB 2x a year ago for NFO. First time was 4,5,4. Told I needed a 4,6,4. Next time was 5,6,5. Passed. Anyhow. No NFO slots for USMC. So I am going for pilot now with PRK. My application is ok, not as competitive as Id like. Considering I didnt know ANYTHING for the first 2 tests (didnt really know anything about flying, nautical info, and havent looked at a physics or math book in years)... I wanted to retake the test now. Technically I was told you could a 3rd time after 180 days. Now the time has passed, I almost have my ppl and I know I can ace it. Downfall.. my OSO is giving me shiat that I shouldnt (and cant) take it again. That the scores dont matter, it just matters if you pass. I think otherwise. Should I argue the issue to try and take it again? He said that starting in May, you can only take it 2x... ever. What should I do? I know I am smarter than my score, and I know I can do better. -Reaps