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Afghanistan Redux


AV-8 Type
OK Skid, let me reword it...there was some stuff said and we were waiting for word on some stuff. Hard to get any work done with that hanging over your head.

Sorry to hijack your thread gaijin.


Active Member
Are the 17k troops coming from a draw down in Iraq? Or are they planning to just increase GSA/IA type jobs to make this happen?


Solidly part of the 42%.
10k huh? That's a MEB. Love how they throw in that it takes a Stryker Brigade 3 months to deploy. Most of the Marines will probably be in before the first Stryker vehicle gets on the gorund if we can pull our heads out of our asses concerning sealift.

And they're building hooches? For the Marines? I'm not going to beat my chest about expeditionary posture and how it used to be and all that, but I am lifting my eyebrow.


Pro-Rec SNA
I find it ironic that General Franks et al. lauded Afghanistan as a triumph of limited operations and speed instead of mass. It looks like we are shifting back toward presence and mass.


Registered Member
I find it ironic that General Franks et al. lauded Afghanistan as a triumph of limited operations and speed instead of mass. It looks like we are shifting back toward presence and mass.

We should have stayed in Afghanistan in the first place and finished the job: finding Osama Bin Laden.


Rockets Up
Looks like a lot of us are finally going to get some mountain hiking time.

Beats Iraq.

Cpl Rocketman told me this weekend he was thinking seriously about another IA pump. Not Iraq this time but another CLB Security Co on the way to Afghanistan. He liked hitting the Al Anbar roads behind Ma Duce. Plus, I think he's getting bored with his comm geek MOS


Ask me about ninjas!
The 'roads' in Afghanistan are either non-existent, deadly, or both. One of the most un-fun, terrifying, and oddly surreal things I've ever done is convoy there. And there's not too much mountain hiking to be had in the area the article is talking about. Lots of annoyingly pinkish sand, rat lines, and bad guys with guns, though.

As far as mass v. limited operations, though, I would argue that 'limited' does not mean what a lot of people think it means. Especially if you're talking about the kind of stuff required in the COIN model. The support infrastructure and troop strength have to be there, otherwise the bad guys just fill in behind/all around you. If you have a LOT of mass, capable of a high speed of operations, doesn't that mean that you pack a whole lot of kinetic energy? I think one of the "Rules for a Gunfight" says something along the lines of bring all your friends with guns, right?

Sorry for the late reply to my own thread, but I have to wake up early every morning and drive to help these fools plan fun stuff in an angry, arid, mountainous country.


Ask me about ninjas!
In the south, it's cold and dry in the winter, and hot and dry in summer. Additionally, there's "The Wind of 120 Days", which generally blow from the southeast, and are mind numbingly persistent. They also induce massive dust storms that typically cover the majority of the south and cause any number of problems.