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Age waivers for Marines


Tank god
So I got the letter from MCRC responding to my application for an aviation guarantee and it said no way.

Currently I am a MECEP student at Embry Riddle. I got everything taken care of for my application to MCRC and sent it up. I was fully qualified medically, I have a high GPA, I scored a 9/9/9 on the ASTB, but I will commission in May of 2012; and at that time I will be 32 years old. (10/18/80)

The letter from MCRC said that my age waiver was disapproved. I was wondering if there is any hope for a different response at a later time--it's not like my date for commissioning is gonna change. Or maybe still hope to get a slot at TBS? I would very much like to be an NA, and I won't give up too easily.

What's the oldest that somebody's heard of a Marine becoming an aviator?


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I've seen a prior SSgt (went CH-46s) and a prior GySgt (went AV-8Bs) become aviators. I don't know their ages when they got commssioned, but they had to be pushing it at those ranks. If I talk with them I'll let you know. How long have you been in the Corps?


Yankee Uniform Tango
Unfortunately NA age waivers are not being approved at this time; this might change in a few months, but there are no guarantees.

NFO age waivers are still good to go.


Well-Known Member
Why would they accept an age waiver when they have qualified candidates that don't need a waiver? Like it or not we are about to start drawing down from 202k and they have no reason to approve waivers.


Tank god
I joined November of 2001.

I guess I can understand not granting a waiver if there is an ample supply of applicants that have no need of a waiver, but what I have a hard time understanding is what makes a 26 year old applicant more qualified than a 30 year old in the first place.


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
I joined November of 2001.

I guess I can understand not granting a waiver if there is an ample supply of applicants that have no need of a waiver, but what I have a hard time understanding is what makes a 26 year old applicant more qualified than a 30 year old in the first place.

Or a 40-year-old, or a 50-year-old, etc, for that matter.

Gotta draw a line somewhere, then you can consider waivers for exceptional circumstances/qualifications.


Tank god
With an 8 year service commitment, that would put a 32year old at 40 years-- a 50 year old at 58. It seems to me that there would be a lot more physical complications related to flying at 58 than 40. At least that's what I have picked up from being around the GA community for a while. Why is the line where it is at?

Is there some consideration other than physical qualification that relates to age requirements? Maybe longevity, but the 32 year old will be serving the same service commitment that a 22 year old will.

What other options are there for me? It is not as if I can reapply for an aviation guarantee while still a MECEP. The only other chance I can think of is to try to get a slot at TBS. But then the same problem of age would arise.


Dean of Students
I asked this question in Pensacola as an older dude (winged at 31). The answer I was given is that there was a study done at one time that determined younger guys have less trepidation about "dangerous" flying than older guys.

While there may be some truth to that, I suspect that the exact ages they chose for the cutoff are mostly arbitrary.


Well-Known Member
I asked this question in Pensacola as an older dude (winged at 31). The answer I was given is that there was a study done at one time that determined younger guys have less trepidation about "dangerous" flying than older guys.

While there may be some truth to that, I suspect that the exact ages they chose for the cutoff are mostly arbitrary.

I agree with you, and don't buy that argument.

The current age limits pre-date newer treatments for things such as >20/20 vision and I'm sure others. There is more likely a study that shows a significant decrease in vision at a certain age, an increase in things that would ground you such as heart related conditions, sleep apnea (although that is waiverable), etc, etc. I once fought a LtCol one time who wouldn't pull more than 3 g's, even during BFM. He said he didn't care for it anymore.


Tank god
Well, didn't get the aviation contract so I decided to compete for the one slot at TBS. Got the age waiver back approved from CMC last month and just found out a couple of hours ago I got the competetive slot. They're gonna see a 32 year old SNA in Pensacola in a couple months. I'm pretty stoked.

Harrier Dude

Living the dream
Well, didn't get the aviation contract so I decided to compete for the one slot at TBS. Got the age waiver back approved from CMC last month and just found out a couple of hours ago I got the competetive slot. They're gonna see a 32 year old SNA in Pensacola in a couple months. I'm pretty stoked.

That is truly awesome! Congrats!

The downside is that you have now given hope to all the "I'm 29 and want to be a pilot " types.


Well-Known Member
So in short, there is a chance, if the time is right AND YOU KICK ENOUGH ASS AT OCS/TBS.

People asking if there is a chance at the advanced age of 29.. Pay attention to the part in CAPS. And realize luck and timing have their hand, but without your performance, all the luck and timing in the world won't help.