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Another example of Harry Reid shirking his responsibilities


adrenaline junky
When will these idiotic diplomats realize that they are not free to do whatever they want. I still say that if they veer off the path of what the citizens want, there should be serious consequences. But of course, they'll never listen until a few of their "a little too radical" friends start ending up dead.

The only thing liberal democrats care more about than anything else is their own skin.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
Just a word of warning for some here... Lewie has every right to make the statement he did, but there are many here who should probably avoid the dogpile, if you know what I mean.

Just a word of caution for those who aren't savvy.


I'm mad that I stayed up all night to watch the debates and the vote, only to find that HE voted against his own amendment for "procedural reasons..."


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
When will these idiotic diplomats realize that they are not free to do whatever they want. I still say that if they veer off the path of what the citizens want, there should be serious consequences. But of course, they'll never listen until a few of their "a little too radical" friends start ending up dead.

The only thing liberal democrats care more about than anything else is their own skin.

That's a whole different kettle of fish...Reid is a Senator AND the Majority leader with a heck of a lot of clout in moving or delaying Defense Bills that need to be passed (Authorization and Appropriation)

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
Just a word of warning for some here... Lewie has every right to make the statement he did, but there are many here who should probably avoid the dogpile, if you know what I mean.

Just a word of caution for those who aren't savvy.
Yea, good call.

markdido said:
I think Harry knows EXACTLY what he's doing
Oh, I think he knows exactly what he's doing to...or at least what he's trying to do. You don't get to the position of Senate Majority Leader by being stupid. But that doesn't mean everything he does is smart and for the good of the people. This is much bigger than just being responsible for representing his Nevada constituents. The defense budget isn't just about giving our troops a raise. It affects the American economy in ways that few really understand.

Within just the military alone, I can only imagine the frustration of not being able to plan next fiscal year's budget because you have no clue if you're going to get what you requested. And worse yet, you don't know when you're going to know.


Fly Navy! ...or USMC
Super Moderator
Within just the military alone, I can only imagine the frustration of not being able to plan next fiscal year's budget because you have no clue if you're going to get what you requested. And worse yet, you don't know when you're going to know.

It's worse than that...if they delay the bills so that President can't sign them by 1 Oct, then a Continuing Resolution has to be passed and that means funding of program elements already funded. Any new programatic action cannot be taken AND it takes several weeks and often months for the discretionary authority to reach commands/program managers so contracts cannot be awarded. Comptrollers typically then penalize programs as a result of not spending as planned. Heck of a way to run a railroad.

Steve Wilkins

Teaching pigs to dance, one pig at a time.
Super Moderator
It's worse than that...if they delay the bills so that President can't sign them by 1 Oct, then a Continuing Resolution has to be passed and that means funding of program elements already funded. Any new programatic action cannot be taken AND it takes several weeks and often months for the discretionary authority to reach commands/program managers so contracts cannot be awarded. Comptrollers typically then penalize programs as a result of not spending as planned. Heck of a way to run a railroad.
That's actually what I was referring to with my initial post. Hence, the 'idiot' remark.