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Another loose-lipped traitor


Registered User
Rather than tow the company line, isn't there something to be said for non-Machievallian actions to disclose government policies that one objects too? The founding fathers included a clause that the people should constantly question the government and be ready at a moments notice to overthrow said government. Rather than placate the government's position, is it not the duty of every citizen to question the gov't and perceive their actions with distrust?

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.

Abraham Lincoln

/flame away


Well-Known Member
Why are you even here? Go start an argument where someone actually cares what you think.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
Rather than tow the company line, isn't there something to be said for non-Machievallian actions to disclose government policies that one objects too? The founding fathers included a clause that the people should constantly question the government and be ready at a moments notice to overthrow said government. Rather than placate the government's position, is it not the duty of every citizen to question the gov't and perceive their actions with distrust?

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.

Abraham Lincoln

/flame away

Obviously, there's a balance, but I don't think the current state of affairs rises anywhere close to the standards and ideals envisioned by the founding fathers in these matters. Leaking sensitive material for political purposes (if that what this amounts to) is a crime, not some kind of civil disobedience.



Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Perhaps this is a (semi-)authorized leak...the timing would be perfect to let the Iranians know to think twice.


Registered User
...as if they didn't already know.

Iran would be stupid to think we don't at least have plans on a shelf to deal with them.


Idiots w/boats = job security
Super Moderator
Too true. But to have someone go into more specifics who worked w/in the government is different. Call it a "gentle reminder".


Super *********
Super Moderator
We plan for war with many countries. This shouldn't be a surprise to anyone.


Super *********
Super Moderator
Rather than tow the company line, isn't there something to be said for non-Machievallian actions to disclose government policies that one objects too? The founding fathers included a clause that the people should constantly question the government and be ready at a moments notice to overthrow said government. Rather than placate the government's position, is it not the duty of every citizen to question the gov't and perceive their actions with distrust?

This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.

Abraham Lincoln

/flame away

I could care less about your comment but it puzzles me as to why there is no info in your profile. What that tells me is that someone is afraid to show who they are. When someone does that, they normally want to hide it for a reason. Why would that be?


Retired and starting that second career
"I've seen some of the planning ... You're not talking about a surgical strike," said Wayne White, who was a top Middle East analyst for the State Department's bureau of intelligence and research until March 2005.

Guy has been out of the loop for almost two years. The media just found someone who would talk and are spinning it for all it's worth.


Why are you even here? Go start an argument where someone actually cares what you think.

A very constructive argument. You may find, when you pull your head out of the sand, that people have different opinions than yourself and it can be constructive to debate those different opinions.


Super Moderator
Barnard1425 said:

$hit is secret for a reason; when leaked it poses a serious threat to US security and interests. The myriad of "undisclosed sources" (or "sources close to X", or "unnamed officials") that fuel our news machine are doing nothing more than hampering their own government's efforts to secure them. The significance of our classified policies (good, bad, or otherwise) extends far beyond the opinion of an individual employee, no matter what pay grade he/she enjoys.

Returning to the article...

I doubt anybody in the Iranian government is surprised by this "news".

If you think the government does not condone many, if not the majority, of 'leaks' then you are probably fooling yourself. Unfortunately, that is how the game is often played in DC.


Super Moderator
Perhaps this is a (semi-)authorized leak...the timing would be perfect to let the Iranians know to think twice.

The guy is from State's Direcotrate and Intelligence and Research (INR), a 'boutique' intel agency that has less than 200 people. They generally have been out of favor for the past few years because they often challenge established positions of the bigger and better known agencies, sometimes proving everyone else wrong. One of their Middle East analysts called the Iraq invasion's aftermath right, when almost everyone else guessed wrong. There analysts are generally older, more educated and have a lot more experience than the analysts of most of the other intel agencies. INR often reaches out to experts from the outside world at a mid-point in their civilian career and trains them as analysts, rather than the other way around like most other intel agencies. Their reports are some of the better ones that are out there and they provide some valuable insight, very good reading as a matter of fact.

They are primarily focused on what State is interested in though, which is the politics and relations of foriegn countries and how they relate to us, military matters is generally not their area of expertise. So for this guy to say that we are planning a war against Iran is a bit like the waterboy of a football team talking about the offensive strategy of the offensive line. He would not be privy to such planning except on the outer periphery, and any information he has is pretty stale when it comes to a dynamic area like military plans and strategies.

So, like I said before, he is talking out his a@$.


The more I think about this, why is it even a surprise? I'd be more surprised to find out that the US didn't have a plan of some sort to go to war with every country in world, even our allies, it's just a plan, and probably a smart thing to have one if things do get out of hand.