New to the board, I just got word from my CO yesterday saying I had been selected. After a couple of seconds of WTF I sobered up and realized what I was in for now. Just saying hi. I'm 1/c Austin, from Maine Maritime Academy.
New to the board, I just got word from my CO yesterday saying I had been selected. After a couple of seconds of WTF I sobered up and realized what I was in for now. Just saying hi. I'm 1/c Austin, from Maine Maritime Academy.
And harrass...don't take it personally...its part of getting you ready for life.Bottom line, if you can't find the answers, ask lots of questions - we're here to help.
...on Airwarriors? Surely you jest....questions that haven't been asked and answered before.
So well said. Some people find API extremely difficult, others find it easy. I studied like a crazy man and, looking back, think it was pretty easy. Was it because I studied so much or would it have been easy regardless? That's anyone's guess. Work hard guys and have fun.For the new guys headed to Pensacola: congrats, it's going to be a fun time. The wisest piece of advice I can give you is to take everything you hear with a grain of salt. Your're going to have lots of questions about what things are like in API, Primary, Advanced, etc and your going to have as many different oppinions as people giving them. Take it all with a grain of salt. You're not going to be able to determine what's hard or easy, what you like or dislike until you actually go through it.
When I was in your position I was told that alot of things were going to be really difficult that turned out to be not so bad, like API.
Again, congratulations and welcome to naval aviation.
And if you are going to worry about it anyway, shut your pie whole so everyone else doesn't have to listen to you b!tch about it.Congratulations. One piece of advice: only worry about things that you can have an effect on. If you can't change it, don't worry about it.
How I miss the steaks at McGuire's and the fresh seafood at Joe Patti's. Good stuff.McGuire's Irish Pub was around, as was Joe Patti's Seafood