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Another Spying Sailor


What a scumbag. This makes me sick. I can't even belive his dad trying to cover for him like that. What would you expect though, from a guy that named his son "Ariel".


I love how they put "he became disillusioned with the Navy" at the end of the story. What is that supposed to be some kind of excuse for committing treason? When they start lining these people up in front of a firing squad maybe they will start getting the message.


Registered User
Why can't you believe his dad would try to cover for him? Really, if you got in a bad situation, would you want your whole family to turn their back on you. If your son/daughter did something would you just assume that the charges are correct and not support them? I am not saying that I agree with his alleged actions, but dont expect family to turn their back on family. I wouldn't turn my back on my son, and I know my dad wouldn't turn his back on me.


Boldly lick where no one has licked before
I wonder what he could possibly have on the laptop that anyone would really want to buy, besides our Social Security Numbers...oh wait, thats the VA. :)

I thought most of the big espionage cases came from service members being approached by foreign governments for specific info, not those trying to initiate the contact themselves. I can't even imagine how you start this process, maybe with an ad in the local want ads?

He certainly isn't very bright.

Fezz CB

Cant you get the death penalty for something like this? I mean, its treason. Turning your back on your own country certainly deserves at the very least a kick in the balls.


damn homeowners' associations
Cant you get the death penalty for something like this? I mean, its treason. Turning your back on your own country certainly deserves at the very least a kick in the balls.

Yes, but they don't have a habit of giving the death penalty for this. For example Aldrich Ames (sp?) and the previous Navy family (father and son duo) traitors, can't remember the name. I think they should receive the death penalty personally, but I doubt it will happen in this case either.


Used to Care
I wonder what he could possibly have on the laptop that anyone would really want to buy, besides our Social Security Numbers...oh wait, thats the VA. :)

I thought most of the big espionage cases came from service members being approached by foreign governments for specific info, not those trying to initiate the contact themselves. I can't even imagine how you start this process, maybe with an ad in the local want ads?

He certainly isn't very bright.

There is plenty of stuff (Red label and above) that a FT on a sub has access to that many foreign govts would be interested in. Governments often buy secrets of little or no value to them so that they can later use this person to get a piece of info that they need (through the possiblity of blackmail). Once a dirtbag like this has crossed the line, there is little stopping them from going all out. At least this retard was dumb enough to get caught. I hate to see a submariner go out like that.
As for how to get in contact with a government to sell your secrets, do you really think all the people working at embassies (both ours and other governments) are diplomats?
As for the death penalty, I agree that in cases like this one, they should go ahead and use it. Unfortunately, through plea deals and legal wrangling, I seriously doubt that it will happen. They let John Walker live, and his crimes were unspeakable.


Recovering NFO. Herder of Programmers.
Super Moderator
Barnard1425 said:
There's no way my family (especially the veterans, of which there are many) would cover for me if I were in this situation. Support me, yes. Make excuses, no. There's a difference between loving somebody and being nice to them all the time.
No one's saying his dad is "covering for him." Heck, the guy is probably feeling at the very least kicked in the nuts right now with his son up on charges. Of course I don't support what the kid apparently did, but since when did being ACCUSED of a crime (not even convicted) mean that your family had to disown you? The reporter probably asked him why the kid betrayed his country, and the poor dad is probably grasping at every straw he can think of as to why his kid did this.


Airborne All the Way!!!
As for how to get in contact with a government to sell your secrets, do you really think all the people working at embassies (both ours and other governments) are diplomats?

That's how Walker did it. According to the book Body Of Secrets:Anatomy of the Ultra-Secret National Security Agency, Walker just walked up to the Soviet Embassy with a sample of the information he had access to. One of the "diplomats" was a KGB agent who would later go on to become head of the KGB due in large part to his handling of Walker.

I remember when I was a teenager, my dad once sat me down & told me that if I ever was arrested to only call him if I was innocent. He said if I were guilty to not even bother to pick up the phone. Needless to say, I've never been in arrested. :)


AV-8 Type
I remember when I was a teenager, my dad once sat me down & told me that if I ever was arrested to only call him if I was innocent. He said if I were guilty to not even bother to pick up the phone. Needless to say, I've never been in arrested. :)

Both of my parents told me this! Matter of fact, they told me that if I ever was arrested, don't call at all. Guilty or not. I understood if I brought the cops home, me AND my parents were going to jail.


Registered User
isnt treason punishable by death?... or did we manage to soften that rule up too... ie. a light fanny spanking
