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Any Opinions

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I recently took the ASTB and scored an OAR of 53 but I only scored a 4 on the pilot section,and a 5 on the NFO section. I am 24 years old and graduated with a 3.1 GPA in Business. I have a private pilots license and an instrument airplane rating. I also have about 150 hours of flight time. Personally I thought the flight part of that test was a little rediculous. It has nothing to do with how well you can fly a plane. Does anyone have any opinions on what my chances are on getting selected for a pilot slot with these scores, and my experience.


Registered User
Kent sorry can't answer your Q, but have one for you. Any advice for the ASTB. I'm a CFII, but weak in math. What did you study and what would you do different.


Registered User
I think you need to score atleast a 5 in the pilot section to apply for a pilot slot. Just wait the 30 days and take it again. Atleast you'll know now what to look at.



Registered User
As for the math I studied the Marine study guide, and I got an ACT study guide. Concentrate a lot on Geometry, because there is a lot of geometry on the test. All you need is a 4 on the pilot section to apply. You need a 6 to apply for the marines. The recruiter has already told me my scores were high enough to apply for pilot.
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