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Any suggestions for transfer from guard

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Registered User
Hello brand new to the board and i have tried to search this topic to aleviate anyone repeating themselves but here it goes: Currently I am an Air National guard canidate for my state unit scheduled to go to Air Force UPT some time next year. I have been questioning my options lately mainly for the reason that my unit is transferring from fighters to tankers (just found out last week.) I am not commited to the unit yet but that will change soon. I have always had an interest in the navy and I even took some test last year and the recuiter said I did okay. Never got the original scores anybody know were you can get them? Was not sure if there was any type of online database like the AF has. The recruiter is not there anymore and hell I dont even remember the name of the test. Can it be retaken if I did not so well? anyway my GPA in college was 2.8 but I worked full time and had a full time flight schedule, still finished in 4 years. Im up to about 1600 hours and fly for a living now and 25 years old this month. My degree was in Aeronautics. Anyway is this even competative? Im sure you guys get asked this everyday and are probably tired of it. I just have to explore my options. Just give me you 2 cents. Anybody know the latest eye standards? The AF took me with 20/50 so this may be my only kicker, but I dont know how the navy is about waivers and stuff like that. Do they even have them? Do you have to know someone? Thanks again.


Registered User

Since you said that you were going ANG I'm assuming that you took the AFOQT which is the Air Force equivalent of the aviation test. Each Branch has their own indoc test; for the NAVY/Marine Corps you will need to take the ASTB (Aviation Selection Test Battery), and depending on your composite scores you may or may not be eligible, having said that if you scored well enough on the AFOQT to get an ANG/UPT slot then the ASTB should be fairly easy especially with you having prior flight time under your belt.

If by chance I misunderstood your previous entry and you did in fact take the ASTB for the Navy, then the scores should be on file in the NRD office that you were going through regardless of whether or not the recruiter is there. As you can see from the many posts throughout this forum it's a pretty drawn out process and when you get into OCS basically comes down to numbers. Being that you're 25 and coming close to the aviation cut off for non-prior service applicants (27) you should probably get the ball rolling soon.

As for how competitive you are, well there's a few things that go into this (ie. test scores, GPA, flight time, PRT scores, and of course the application itself). Believe me if there were a way to gauge how competitive an applicant was, it would go for big money for all the prospectives here. Your GPA is a bit low @2.8 but you have a pretty tough degree and solid flight time so that may get overlooked.
The thing I would definitely be concerned about is your vision. While the AF is more relaxed on vision reqs, The Navy looks pretty hard on them. 20/40 is believe is the max for SNA's and no more than a -1.5 NVA (Near Visual Acquity)correction is permitted. Recently they have permitted SNA(Student Naval Aviator) applicants to get waivers for their vision to allow for PRK surgery. Although this will push your application timeline out another six months, it is there for you to consider depending on how bad you want it.

Honestly you're best shot to find out where you stand is to call the closest NRD. Or call an enlisted recruiter, and see if you can get the number to the Officer Programs Office in your area...my $.02

<insert something witty here:>


Registered User
Actually, PRK will only set your application back 3 months if you're eyes are good enough before the surgery (check out the details on the NOMI website). It's a lot of work to go this route though and not without risk. Who knows, you might be able to see 20/40 with some artificial tears.


Registered User
Why do want to go Navy? Is it because you don't want tankers? My current supervisor was a UPT instructor, he told be about a guard guy who went through, I think his unit was tankers as well, but he did so well in training, he could have flown fighters. They somehow worked it out so he could transfer to another unit and is now flying A10's. So the point is I think you may still be able to go to UPT on your current units time and transfer to another after graduation. You may want to look into that.


Registered User
One of my best friends flies KC-135's for the Guard, He finished #1 in his class at UPT, and they gave him the obtion of becoming full time Air Force if he wanted Fighters.


Registered User
One of my best friends flies KC-135's for the Guard, He finished #1 in his class at UPT, and they gave him the obtion of becoming full time Air Force if he wanted Fighters.

Which guard unit does he fly for?


Registered User
Well my unit is switching to tankers and its just not for me. I got in this to be a fighter pilot and so be it. Hell they even asked me in the interview "what would I do if we switched to tankers" I told them "Id find another F-15 unit" Sorry guys but its in my blood. Anyway the whole thing about guys doing very well in UPT then switching to a fighter unit is a once in a lifetime thing which is almost never heard of. See once your state sponsores your UPT its no turning back! Now rarely and I mean once in a blue moon, a guy knows soemone who is upper brass in the guard and gets a unit transfer while at UPT, but its really not a possibility until graduation from UPT and even then you can only really transfer to another heavy unit for the reason that you would have tracked T-1's which is for heavies, and did not track T-38 which is for fighters. But I appreciate the input. Got one last shot this weekend at another F-15 interview, wish me luck!


Registered User
One of my best friends flies KC-135's for the Guard, He finished #1 in his class at UPT, and they gave him the obtion of becoming full time Air Force if he wanted Fighters.

My Buddy is in the Birmingham Guard Unit
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