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Any takers yet on 13OCT02 OCS?????

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Registered User
Its comin soon. Goin nuts. Running like a mad man. I havn't studied any of the memorization yet. Tryin to knock out my Master Training Specialist Quals first.

Dave Wahl


Registered User
Hope to see you down there, should be good to see another active duty NAVY guy going through the ringer with me. I should be mostly finishing up since I report 03 Aug 02, but I too am 30. It should be an enlightening experience (I am the only currently active duty guy in my class)
Good Luck,

Paul Burke

Registered User
Cool deal you guys. Definitely stay on top of the running and the studying. If all goes well I should be leaving here by the time you guys arrive. May even be on your Indoc staff. Don't let the age thing bug you. There's a guy here that is 32, ex-Army, doing it all. Just make sure you take care of your running and come as a strong runner. Older guys that aren't used to the aggressive workout routine get hurt a lot here. See you guys soon.


Registered User
Gonna take it one day at a time. Tehy say ya never can really prepare yourself enough. Thanks for the responses..everyone needs positive re-enforcement.

Dave Wahl
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