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Anybody applying for OCC 190

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Registered User
I'm applying to OCC 190. But I believe that it is in October. Planning on submitting my packet sometime within the next month or so. I have most everything done. PIQs, flight physicals, etc. Just need to get my PFT score up a litte. OSO said it needs to be at least 280. Stupid run time. Before I started getting in shape for OCS I followed the philosophy of "run only when chased." But now I think I actually like it. Which is just not normal. Come to think of it, I havn't felt like myself. Maybe I'm possessed or something. I don't know... I think I'll go run it out of me. (gets up, puts on shoes...)


Registered User
Same here. My Pull ups were a nightmare. I had everything done for the 189 class so I am just working on getting that PFT up. Going for Air.
PFT: 251
GPA: 3.2 (Biology)
ASTB: 7/8/7

You or anyone know if its going to be all Air as they were talking about?


Registered User
I was pre-selected for 190 back in April. Here are my stats:

PFT: 279 (20/100/21:25)
GPA: 3.3 (Architecture)
SAT: 1240


Registered User
I'll be finishing and (hopefully) submitting my appliction for 190 this friday (air contract).

PFT(latest official): 238-> 17/76/21:47
ASTB: 6/7/7
Degrees: Computer Science (B.S.), Mathematics (B.S.)
GPA: 3.0
LORs: employers, coworkers, professors, fire chief


Registered User

Do you know why you got pre-selected? I applied an April for 190 as well and was told after they met that I would have to wait till August to find out.

GPA 3.0

occ 190 app


University of Mary Washington BA Geography
GPA: 3.0
SAT: 1300
ASTB: waiting to hear back, should know in a few days.
PFT: 243 initial going to retake soon 16/73/19:30
(Ill get close to maxing my official, just never done crunchs before and only been running for a few weeks)
Nothing special for recs, 3 profs, dean, family friend.

Already passed MEPS/Flight Phys.. contrary to popular belief I was in @ 0630 and out at 1130 down @ NAS Oceania for the flight phys.. quick and relatively painless.
Goodluck to all hope to see you @ OCC190 in October.
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