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Anyone want to go to Cuba?


Well-Known Member
I'm currently looking for a first class ticket to Castro's Island Paradise. Who wants to come with?


I think this change is a good idea; once the Soviet Union fell apart, I think the quickest way to address the Cuba situation would have been to let capitalism "do it's thing." But neither party wanted to buck the Cuban-American bloc.

Better late than never.
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Now with even more awesome!
Low quality food and inadequate infrastructure, and only 90 miles away from my own home? Sign me up!*

That's if you want to live there. The Cuban tourism industry, despite having it's knees knocked out with the US prohibitions on travel, does quite a booming business with foreigners, such as Canadians and Europeans.

It's not 5 star luxury by any means, but purportedly it's still a good time, appealing to the outdoorsy crowd. AND IT'S UBER CHEAP!!


Nihongo dame desu
I would love to go diving there. But the way I understood the new rules was just that they were letting those with family there visit more often and send more crap, not that they were opening up travel to all Americans.

If they are, I will absolutely be booking a trip sometime soon. It might have to be without Husband, though, unless the Navy will let him come along.


Well-Known Member
Too late for the cigars, all the good cuban rollers have moved to the Dominican Republic or Honduras or Nicaragua with cuban tobacco seed stock. I'll take a good Dominican over a Cuban any day.


Well-Known Member
Bring forth the CUBAN WOMEN if the Cigars are no good.



I'm going with trickle down theory here... Flood the market with hot women, and the quality of women who will actually sleep with me will increase.

Like how if Mercedes flooded the market with Benz's, I could probably afford a BMW.


Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like all that bad of a place from the waters near by- and it does do fairly brisk business with European countries tourists. Nothing amazing- but it's another island to check out.

I'd go...just to say I'd been there and actually touched land...insted of just tying the boat up and watching as the Cubans took back the folks we were dropping off....


That's if you want to live there. The Cuban tourism industry, despite having it's knees knocked out with the US prohibitions on travel, does quite a booming business with foreigners, such as Canadians and Europeans.

It's not 5 star luxury by any means, but purportedly it's still a good time, appealing to the outdoorsy crowd. AND IT'S UBER CHEAP!!

Dunno about that, A straw poll taken by my euro friends who'd been there said that the housing and bedding was adequate, but only just. Further, they'd said that the food was okay, but only as far as the bad ingredients would let it be. The consensus seemed to be that they'd gone to go, and wouldn't be rushing back. Though I take your point, they did say it was getting what they paid for, and that the landscape was superb.
Bottom line, I'd say wait a few years for the investors to pretty it up before dropping by if you're looking for a resort experience, go now if you want to see a different way of life. Myself? I've got enough of Cuba in my hometown (MIA).

Bring forth the CUBAN WOMEN if the Cigars are no good.

Reason #514 why I love Miami.


Now with even more awesome!
I'd say wait a few years for the investors to pretty it up before dropping by if you're looking for a resort experience, go now if you want to see a different way of life.

This is pretty much the progression with any island in the Caribbean, from what I've seen.

If you want to get away from the usual tourist vibe, take in native flora and fauna, and don't mind drinking with locals/filthy commies: Cuba will be great. Buddies stationed in Gitmo said the diving was amazing and plentiful.

If you want 24 hour casino gambling, Island Oasis daquiris, fluent English speakers, and room service: look elsewhere, or wait until a resort developer swoops in.


This is pretty much the progression with any island in the Caribbean, from what I've seen.

If you want to get away from the usual tourist vibe, take in native flora and fauna, and don't mind drinking with locals/filthy commies: Cuba will be great. Buddies stationed in Gitmo said the diving was amazing and plentiful.

If you want 24 hour casino gambling, Island Oasis daquiris, fluent English speakers, and room service: look elsewhere, or wait until a resort developer swoops in.

Seems a good way to sum it up.