I have just completed test 5 of 6 in API. I know alot of A-pool SNAs are out there worrying about this new NSS of 42.5...just to give you an idea of how things stand, scoring above 90 on the tests usually gives you an NSS of about 49-50, give or take a point or two...each test is weighted differently, though...I believe Nav is weighted the highest...98 on Nav was a 59 NSS...92 on Weather was a 51 NSS...98 on Aero II was a 62...98 on Aero I was a 59...100 on Engines was a 69...so maybe that should give you some idea of how well you need to do...bottom line, if your seat is on the line, study your butt off...It ain't pleasant, but it is over sooner than you think...from what I have been told, API NSS scores only follow you as far as Primary...luckily, I have poor eyesight and am not affected by this whole scandal...never thought I would be happier to be a SNFO rather than a SNA...that's the breaks!