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API Report Date Email

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Hey I got an email from our XO today that has a list of possible API report dates and how many slots are available for each date. Anyone else get the email? Im putting in for 5 Aug, whats everyone else thinking? ALso there was an aside in the email stating that attrites are no long being shown the door but are being shipped to IRAQ, Afgan, Liberia, and Ethopia for 6-9 months! then IRADed (no kidding, how much would that suck)


Boiler Up!
No kidding about the IA (Individual Aquisition.) I was stashed down at bupers for a month. They are taking great pleasure in sending those who quit before they even start training to those fine locals. Don't worry if you just can't hack it, that's not what they are worried about. They are targeting the guys who show up and quit before they even get started. Aparently there has been a lot of people trying to cash in on a free education and then run. My advice, DON'T BE THAT GUY!!!

Fly Navy

...Great Job!
Super Moderator
Hey if you want to be a piece of sh!t and request and take an aviation slot and not use it, I have no problem with sending you to Kuwait.


Hmmm. Well, I guess this is something they are planning on doing, but not doing right now. I personally know about 10 people who DOR'd out of A-pool (ROTC and Academy) and got off/are getting off scot free. I agree that they should get the sh!t assignments instead of bilking Uncle Sam out of a free education.


The people who are jsut looking for the door and find the door in Kabul now, good for them. I just got worried about it because i had prk and if for some dumb reason i get the WHAMMIE i dont want to be boots and utes in some ****hole.


Registered User
Hey Illinijoe,

are you graduating in may? I'm getting commissioned this year and I've heard nothing about API report dates. Can you slide some more info my way??!!? I'd really appreciate it. Also, what dates were available for API? Are you a SNA or a SNFO? cuz I was told that FO's can expect to report much earlier. SNA's gotta wait it out.


Spy Navy
I think that the report dates are probably for A-pool. It would be hard to predict exactly when you'll be ready to start API. As a SNFO, you'll currently class up for API the Friday after you are done with IFS/NOMI/etc., but you can't tell exactly when that will be, especially if you are doing IFS in P'cola with its lack of VFR weather. I'm finishing IFS today, and classing up for API this Friday (IceWoman...are you and the other DTS people going to be there with me?), so waiting time in between is not really a factor.
And how are they sending people to Iraq for DOR-ing? Unless I am missing heavy sarcasm (possible), I don't see what they are going to do with an officer with no experience or warfare qual whatsoever besides an office stash job.


Registered User
I'm not done yet w/ IFS... lots of weather problems, and my instructor is out of town, I have 3 flights left, doing 2 of them on Thurs. Totally didn't expect to be starting right after IFS... I was planning on taking leave to help my boyfriend move in 2 weeks... going to totally suck if I can't. Let me know how it goes! GOOD LUCK!


Spy Navy
They are pushing for NFOs to class up. I am going to have to wait until next week because I didn't take BOLTC yet, but they told me they are six slots short for NFOs in API this week and want people to start ASAP. I hope taking leave works out for you though, it would suck if it didn't. Good luck with the rest of IFS!


A-Pool Junkie
Are you guys currently in NROTC planning on doing IFS at your unit or at P'cola? We haven't really heard anything about orders here yet but we were told that the pipeline is opening up? and that we will probably be in P'cola sooner than we thought (i.e. this summer). Anyone else have any gouge?

Fly By

Registered User
You too can see the world...

I am an officer very close to this process, and I can say that there is fact in DORs being sent to various pleasant locations around the globe. I can also say that there is a very strong rumor that sounds a lot like impending fact that other billets are being opened up for fills by those officers that think scamming the system and getting free degrees is acceptable to the Navy and our tax payers (not for vengence, but for needs of the Navy). Several things are happening at once, but if I were back in flight school, I wouldn't even consider DORing before giving it the college try. You may be surprised at the outcome. Also, there is no gaurantee that the guys sent to those garden spots will be released from active duty after their short stint abroad.

Just words of advise and caution, you can take them or leave them.


Registered User
So, I guess it would be a good idea if we started looking for roommates now, huh? Although we still don't have an exact report date, are there any SNA's out there that wanna split the rent with me? I'm thinking one of those houses that they rent out close to the base, or even those vacation rentals. They might be a little expensive, but with a few roommates, it'll fit into an 0-1's budget. If there's any takers....let me know. I'm hoping to head down there as soon as I get my orders to look around and get on some waiting lists.


ocjams said:
So, I guess it would be a good idea if we started looking for roommates now, huh? Although we still don't have an exact report date, are there any SNA's out there that wanna split the rent with me? I'm thinking one of those houses that they rent out close to the base, or even those vacation rentals. They might be a little expensive, but with a few roommates, it'll fit into an 0-1's budget. If there's any takers....let me know. I'm hoping to head down there as soon as I get my orders to look around and get on some waiting lists.

I wouldn't plan on trying to get roomates until you get a report date... thats kinda pointless because you and whoever you chose to live with could report months apart. I'd stay way from those vacation rentals because they are pricey. Yes you could probably afford them split between a bunch of 0-1s, but whats going to happen if your roomates get sent somewhere else and you are stuck there by yourself... That happened to a friend of mine, she had to move in the middle of week 2 of API because her other roomates no longer lived at her place, and she couldn't even afford 1 months rent on her own...


Registered User
thanks zippy,

you've got a good point there. That makes a lot of sense. Any recommendations on apartments? I'm probably jumping the gun here starting to think about apartments already, since I'll be stashed for a while. I see that you're in API now, how's it going? What week? Any up-to-date word on what we can expect in the future down there? Do you think the higher NSS will remain in effect for those of us graduating this year?
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