I've never taken criticism well, and my temper went overboard after reading critical replies. I realize many of you will not want to forgive me, but I would like to continue my membership here with a good relationship with all members.
If you don't take criticism well, you may want to avoid posting after reading something that starts to get you riled up. Instead, simply close your browser and give yourself an hour or so to think about what was said, whether it was meant in jest, and if the tone was really as hostile / unfair as you may think.
A lot of times it seems to me that the typed words people use can seem a lot harsher than they are really meant to be. For instance, a pattern I see on here goes something like this:
Newbie says something kind of stupid. Senior guys make fun of newbie and attempt to correct his errors in logic / knowledge. Newbie gets mad at being made fun of and does not realize there is no malicious intent, and that senior guys are actually trying to correct Newbie. Flame war ensues, with Newbie getting hammered repeatedly.
My advice is: If someone seems to be angry at you, there is most likely a reason for it. Try to figure out what it is. If you can't figure out what it is, then ask them via Private Message, don't confront them for "being mean" on the open forum or you may be asking for a beating. Always be respectful, because for those of us who are not in the fleet and have not started training / been through OCS, this is a great resource and you don't want to screw it up. Especially after being given a 2nd chance.