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application deadline


New Member
does any one know what the application deadline is? also does the interview need to be completed before the deadline?


Registered User
if youre applying for a scholarship, id recommend getting your app in and your interview done as soon as possible. the sooner you get it in, the better. dont wait until the last minute


livin' the dream
I don't know if this happened for anyone else, but I don't really remember filling out an application. All I remember is going to my DoDMERB physical for my Academy application, and the Dr. asking if she should check me off for NROTC. I actually had no idea what NROTC was, but I said 'sure'... The next thing I knew was I got a phone call for an interview, ditched a day of school senior year and interviewed. Prior to going in for my interview, they had me fill something out by hand. After feeling like I blew my interview, I left and a few months later, my mom the call saying I got a 4-year scholarship for NROTC. Because she had no idea that I applied, she told them 'no, thanks' and then I called them back to accept it...

Is that weird, or did anyone else have a similar experience?



Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
There is a deadline for each year, but like MIDNJAC states, it's better to get it done early so you have a better chance. Usually by the May, they stop taking the applications. The Navy convenes NROTC scholarship boards EVERY MONTH. So get on over to https://www.nrotc.navy.mil and get that application done.

-ea6bflyr ;)


Working Class Bum
Super Moderator
I was told by an NROTC CO that the deadline for the 2008 scholarships is 31JAN08. Hurry up!!!
