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Application PRT one more time...

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Sxy Anzac

Registered User
G'day all, sorry to keep beating this to death, but what exactly is necessary nowadays for the selection-packet PRT as far as competitiveness goes?? I've already gotten through the thing once for my NFO app (13:00 run, pushups and curlups in the fifties), and it seemed to suffice six months ago since I got selected. My paperwork is currently in reconsideration for SNA following the 3 month PRK wait, but according to my rec I need to redo the PRT with the run at about 12:00 or lower and pushups and curlups in the 70's to stay competitive. Is that it, or is anything above the minimums safe still?

I'm down to about nine mins on the run, and 70 for the curlups, but can't seem to get my pushups up that high yet for some reason. :p Just wondering what you guys might think. I'd like to have my packet completed and out there as soon as possible, without having to wait for another PRT...

BTW, I'm a first time poster but a long time reader. The forum rocks, naturally. Keep it tight fellas. :)


Sxy Anzac

Registered User
Heh, not really from Down Under, just a regular Yank I guess. But I love them to death and have some Kiwi friends, so I might tend to sound like them sometimes. Actually, I'm counting on visiting there sometime during my Navy stint, who knows??

Thanks for the heads up Matt, have fun flying. :)

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