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Applying for Marine PLC early ...

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Registered User
Hi ya'll! I'm new to this forum so please excuse any questions that don't fit in this category ...
I wanted to know when the best time to apply for 2006 Marine PLC is. I was talking to a Marine OSO that was dead set on me applying now, but he told me the app process stops around March of next year ... meaning that the board should be recieving an excessive amount of apps ... plus I need to get the idea across to my worrying mother (which should take a a couple if not a few months).
You could'nt put in an app in January for PLC 2006, could you??

*sorry if this is confusing


OCC-169 Grad
The last board for PLC06 anything will be in March, but the paper work can take up to 60 days to process just to get it to the board. That's why your OSO wants you to get things done now. Packages take 30 to 45 days just for ground applicants. For Air it takes about 60 days depending on the applicant. It doesn't just happen overnight. I hope this helps.


PLC06 Applicant
Hey Harris, I'm in the process of applying for PLC06. I would say definitely apply now if it's really what you want to do. For one, it'll let your mom realize how serious you are about it and two, the sooner you get selected, the sooner you don't have to worry about getting a slot. It took my mom a while to get used to the idea of her "little girl" being in the marines, but once she realized that I was gonna join and that her pouting wasn't going to change it, she finally started accepting it even though she's still not crazy about it. Also, remember that you aren't technically "committed" to the Marine Corps untill you get commissioned. When I told her that it helped her chill out a little 'cause I guess she's got some crazy idea that I might change my mind between now and then.... lol... Maaaann is she wrong!


PLC06 Applicant
Air and female. Two things that the Marine Corps needs right now, so I feel really good about my chances...


OCC-169 Grad
Check with your OSO. Different OSOs are receiving reductions in missions because the Marine Corps has almost reached its Officer mission for this fiscal year. I hope this helps.


Registered User
Apply as early as you can. From what i remember as far as my application, it's a rolling admission, so your chances are much better if your app makes it in time for more than one board.

I knew I was going to juniors the first week of february '04 and it was a hell of a weight off my shoulders to know i was in.
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