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Applying for OCS and a flight guarantee


New Member
I'm a sophomore in college, majoring in electrical engineering, but possibly may change to finance/business. If I switch majors, I still plan to take
Cal and Cal based Physics I and 2. I've already started studying for the Navy Aviation Selection Battery Test. I plan to keep may grades at 3.2 or even better higher. I've heard athletics help, I planned on walking on the JuCo football team, but figured keeping my grades up was more important. I"m also in the process of getting my private pilots license. I'm wondering if this resume would look good to any officer recruiter. Can anyone give me some advice. Every little bit of info helps and will be greatly appreciated. God Bless!


Below Ladder
Hello, I'm in the application process myself.

The best advice I think anyone can give you is: go talk to a recruiter NOW. Your options for joining as a sophomore are either NROTC, or BDCP. Talk to your recruiter NOW about what it means to apply for these programs, or read up on the NROTC and BDCP programs.

You can't apply to go straight to OCS until probably late in your junior year / early in your senior year. I can't offer much more advice than that because I am not very experienced myself, however, here is a list of some threads that helped me decide to go talk to the officer recruiter in my area:

http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=16079 - Paths to Commission

http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=10778 - When to Apply

http://www.airwarriors.com/forum/showthread.php?t=11043 - Applying for a Naval Commission


Registered User
Here's your new life plan:

1) Apply for BDCP,
2) Join the Navy!
3) Forget calculus and physics (unless you really want to),
4) Enjoy life until OCS.

Seriously...At this point BDCP is worth a look. Ask your recruiter.


New Member
When applying to BDCP and chosen, do you continue to go to college and worry about the military training till OCS after graduating?


professional undergraduate
When applying to BDCP and chosen, do you continue to go to college and worry about the military training till OCS after graduating?

Yup. Once in, all you do is complete a PRT twice a year and check in twice a month with a recruiter. We just sit on our butts (but keep in shape), collect our cash, keep our long hair and earrings, and wait for OCS.


Registered User
BDCP is nice when you are in college. It gives you the college life without the ROTC obligations. all you have to do is call your recruiter every so often.

Your grades look ok but my recruiter said to be considers "good" you need around a 3.5 or above. Though from what i have personally seen the navy it is either full on or full off in accepting pilot slots. The the math classes you said will not help. when applying they dont really look at your classes but your major. and even that isnt the biggest deal. I know plenty of nontech and non avaiton majors to get accepted over people with what i would think would be "better" majors.

The best thing i can tell you is get as good as grades as possible and apply soon. at least start the ball rolling. it takes a long time to get through this process. But dont sign anything for the BDCP untill you are certain you want to be in the navy because their is not much backing up youcan do once you sign