Winging it!!
Hi there this is my first post to this website. I have been exploring this website and have found tons of useful information, on almost everything I've been looking for. A little back ground on myself: I am currently attending Eastern Michigan University, pursuing a math degree. I currently have a 3.48 GPA and currently active in many clubs at my University. I recently started talking with a Navy officer recruiter, to finally start the process of fulfilling my life long dream of becoming an officer in the United States Navy, and also becoming a Naval aviator or NFO.
But I have kind of hit a snag that I don't quite know how to handle or talk to my selection officer about. The problem started back about a semester ago when I signed up for aviation 100, thinking we would be talking about both civilian aviation and military aviation. As we went on we barely talked about military aviation, in fact I even wrote a paper on how and what the F/A-18 replaced to come and find out he hates the military. The teacher asked me one day to stay after class to talk about my paper. He politely told me he thought I had been plagerizing, which I had'nt been.( first time writing in APA didnt quote properly, but fixed that with a program my dad introduced me to.) As the semester went on he kept writing on paper that he thinks I was plagerizing( even though I learned from my mistakes and learned how to write in APA format) long story short I had to have a meeting with his boss over him, my teacher and I. I was found not to be plagerizing by his boss, so I wenton with my buisness, but as the semester went on the teacher kept railroading my papers and quizzes, giving me grades that were worse than awful, and he also wouldnt allow me to take some quizzes while everyone else got to and I recieved an F in the class which means I failed avt 100.... So my question is what do I do cause I mean the board is going to look at that and say really he wants to be an SNA??? but he failed avt 100 so I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on what I should do to help correct this problem?
Any information on this would really help me out, because I am not quite sure how this will affect my package for the board and I dont want this to ruin my chances.
But I have kind of hit a snag that I don't quite know how to handle or talk to my selection officer about. The problem started back about a semester ago when I signed up for aviation 100, thinking we would be talking about both civilian aviation and military aviation. As we went on we barely talked about military aviation, in fact I even wrote a paper on how and what the F/A-18 replaced to come and find out he hates the military. The teacher asked me one day to stay after class to talk about my paper. He politely told me he thought I had been plagerizing, which I had'nt been.( first time writing in APA didnt quote properly, but fixed that with a program my dad introduced me to.) As the semester went on he kept writing on paper that he thinks I was plagerizing( even though I learned from my mistakes and learned how to write in APA format) long story short I had to have a meeting with his boss over him, my teacher and I. I was found not to be plagerizing by his boss, so I wenton with my buisness, but as the semester went on the teacher kept railroading my papers and quizzes, giving me grades that were worse than awful, and he also wouldnt allow me to take some quizzes while everyone else got to and I recieved an F in the class which means I failed avt 100.... So my question is what do I do cause I mean the board is going to look at that and say really he wants to be an SNA??? but he failed avt 100 so I was just wondering if anyone had any advice on what I should do to help correct this problem?
Any information on this would really help me out, because I am not quite sure how this will affect my package for the board and I dont want this to ruin my chances.