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applying to PLC jr.

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Registered User
I was introduced to this site by my OSO I told him I was interested in PLC-air but I realized that this website is more than that. I am applying to PLC Jr. I am set to take a physical early December. Then a PFT after that. But I have several questions. Is it possible to take multiple PFT? I say this because I don't believe I will hit a ~270 + mark on the first try or anything in the upper or middle 200s. Current I am balancing my life on PT and school studies. I am hitting the weight room, swimming, and running. Should I put rocks in my bag and run with it for several miles? Should I buy MARPATs boots and run as well?

I am a sophmore at college, if I don't get into PLC Jr. can I get into PLC-Combined? Am I missing anything? What is important for me to do? Any help or advice would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance,


Registered User
Just keep studying hard and working out hard/smart. The first time I took the PFT I don't think I even hit 210, so don't kill yourself over it. If you keep PTing hard then you will be in good shape for Juniors, but do not over train and hurt yourself.


OCC-169 Grad
Yes you can take multiple PFTs. You're OSO should want you to get the highest score you can, so you can improve your chances for selection. Putting rocks in your bag and running might not be a good idea at first. Do everything gradually, so you don't end up hurting yourself. If you hurt yourself then you can't do anything, and injuries don't get better at OCS they get worse usually. As far as buying boots goes, that can be good and bad. However, ask your OSO before you go buying anything.


Registered User
Hey, I can't even tell you how many pft's I took just to pass and qualify. Just stick with it, trust me... it will pay off. By the time I got to OCS I was so used to PFTs it was all second nature in a way. I was mentally prepared, and knew what I had to do to stay strong throughout the test.


Registered User
Here is more academic information. I want to compare with those who got into the PLC program.

SATs 1260
GPA 3.0
H.S. GPA 90% top ten of class of 354

My fitness is drastically improving. About a two weeks ago I could only run 1/4 mile without stopping for breathe. Today I can run two miles non-stop. I am following the OCS workout regiment. Any additional hints will be appreciated.


Registered User

I am currently in the same boat as you are in. I am applying for PLC-air as well. the only this that i could really tell you is to get a routine and stick with it. I run and workout at least 3 times a week. Try and get into a usual workout habit and you should be fine.
By the way, which PLC class are you looking at for next summer? I am probably going to the second one which starts in July.


New Member
Unless you're talking about PLC Jr/Sr versus PLC Combined, the May and July PLC classes (1st and 2nd increment they are called) are identical (except for the fact that one is earlier and one is later). Two different increments are run to 1) distritube candidates so there aren't 1000+ on deck at once, and 2) allow people at differing colleges to do PLC without interfering with normal classes.
So, when you apply, you don't apply for both, you apply for PLC then state your preference as to which one you want to do.


Registered User
Crowbar or to whom it may concern,

do you know how many times the board meets? My OSO told me that the board would meet right before Christmas and would send my package to them. It I don't make the cut with that board is that it for the year or can I still improve my PFT and send my package to a future board?
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