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ARCO vs. Cliff Notes


New Member
Hey guys I just registered to the forum but I have been around in here for around a year now... I just started studying hard for the ASTB and am using all the materials I can find. The Problem is there is a huge difference between the Arco and the Cliff notes practice books I have been using
The cliff notes exam uses extremely difficult problems (without a calculator) for the physics/ mechanical comprehension part of the test whereas both the Gouge and the Arco book make it seem like basic physics is needed

Is this an attempt by Cliff notes to make the exam more difficult than it really is?


Registered User
All I can say is...Burn the Cliff Notes. Seriously, burn it. Spit on it. Curse it with voodoo. In fact, make a miniature model of it and poke it with needles. And then burn the model too. Then spread the ashes over the ground and spit on the ashes. And stomp on the ashes. Make faces at the ashes. Say bad words to it.

I flipped out when I saw the Cliff Notes and spent a month going over all my college physics...covering a semester's worth of material. Talk about stress. Then, I find out (from this forum) that the ASTB is nothing like the Cliff NOtes. I should have gone onto this forum earlier. It would have saved me countless hours upon hours upon hours upon hours upon HOURS UPON FRICKIN HOURS OF POINTLESS REVIEWING AND STUDYING AND STRESSING!!! All that time I could have focused my studies on the Arco and the Gouge. BURN THE CLIFF NOTES!


New Member
omg thank god dude My dad was looking at the ASTB test in the end and they stumped him.... and thats saying something because he is an Aerospace engineer working with the Navy

so just the Arco then lol