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Army to Open Criminal Investigation of Pat Tillman's Death


More humble than you would understand
Super Moderator
Moral of the story: "Don't shoot the famous guy."

History of warfare--10% of all casualties are fratricide. Unfortunate, but true. That doesn't mean we excuse gross negligence, but it should mean that we don't look to hang someone every time it happens, lest we start getting people killed because they're too scared to pull the trigger for fear of making a mistake.


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
This is actually an interesting topic worth getting into. I don't pretend to know all the facts about the USAF F-16s vs. Canada frat in the Stan, but from what I've heard, those guys were hot-dogging things. My jet just shoots HARM and trons, both of which are considered acts of war, but we go into painstaking detail in the mission planning process to deconflict and avoid hitting the wrong thing, and while we do reactive/defensive shots, we don't shoot from the hip by going out of our way to enter a WEZ just to "get some." I'd be interested in getting into how other communities approach the whole "target of opportunity" issue.

Any thoughts?



Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
ghost119 said:
The A-10s were to cover a grid square and told to kill anything hostel or possible hostel in the grid.
Looks like I won't be staying in any youth hostels on my vacation to the middle east. :D



I wake up in the morning & I piss excellence.
ghost119 said:
Most of the friendly fire incidents that make it into the military news back here are due to the cause of miscommunication.
Thanks, Captain Obvious. I doubt any friendlies out there are intentionally targeting other friendlies.


Super Moderator
Brett327 said:
This is actually an interesting topic worth getting into. I don't pretend to know all the facts about the USAF F-16s vs. Canada frat in the Stan, but from what I've heard, those guys were hot-dogging things. My jet just shoots HARM and trons, both of which are considered acts of war, but we go into painstaking detail in the mission planning process to deconflict and avoid hitting the wrong thing, and while we do reactive/defensive shots, we don't shoot from the hip by going out of our way to enter a WEZ just to "get some." I'd be interested in getting into how other communities approach the whole "target of opportunity" issue.

Any thoughts?


I am at work so I cannot stay on the computer too long but after talking with the AF types in my squadron, including an F-16 driver, they all said the pilots were at fault. They were fine above the hard deck and could have waited but they went under it and dropped iron. As for the go-pill excuse....puhleze....:confused:

One thing that a civilian friend of mine pointed out. Right after one of the guys dropped, and before the bomb hit, he said something like "I hope I am right" or something along thiose lines. The saying painted in VT-86' s hangar comes to mind "If there is doubt, there is no doubt"

Every time I went up to hang out with my wife in Canada, she is a Canuck, the news always had something about the friendly fire incident for a really long time. It figures since they were the first CAnadian combat deaths since the Korean War.