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Registered User
Hey I was just wondering if it was easier to get a pilot slot in the Army as a Helocopter pilot, than if I went to the Air Force, Navy or Mirines? If so, can you discribe the training? Thanks.


Registered User
If you want to fly Helos in the Army you have to make a 110 on the GT portion of the ASVAB, and a 90 on the AFAST test. If you qualify on these tests and physically qualify, it is a lot easier to get a slot in the Army. Keep in mind if you want to go fly Helos in the Army you must first go to basic training before you go to OCS. The Army won't let you take the AFAST test test until after you have completed basic training, so if you don't do well enough on it you will be stuck in the Army flying nothing.


Registered User
I dont think that is true. I took the AFAST for the army and I am not and have never been in the army. I was looking into the WOFT Warrant Officer Flight Training program. It is fairly easy to get picked up if you qualify and if I had not got picked up for a navy commission then I definitely would have gone for it. Just talk to an Army recruiter if you are interested.


Registered User
Ok, well thanks, but I have decided to go to the Air Force instead to fly(hopefully Fighters) Thanks for the replys.


Registered User
Mike, when you say you've decided to go to the AF, have you been accepted? If not you might want to keep your options open. How old are you? do you have your degree? do you have flight experience?


Registered User
i can say one thing, i took the ASTB and the AF officer test (i cant remember the name) the ASTB is nothing compared to that thing.

Edited by - RC on 07/11/2002 13:41:32


Registered User
RC, since I'm applying to both branches, I have to take the AFOQT (AF test) again, that thing was a killer the first time, and it's going to be a killer the second time. And studying for it is another killer.


Registered User
good luck ghost, i took that thing when i was a senior in college with a friend of mine kind of a joke thing, well after it was over, the joke was on me. you gotta be in serious test taking shape to even finish that thing.

Dave Shutter

Registered User
I discussed this very thing with an Amry recruiter I ran into. He gave me his speech but my Navy app was already on it's way. You do your app before you sign, just like everyone else. According to him they're desperate for pilots now, but that was awhile ago and of course their recruiting may have shot up since 9-11 like everyone elses. Outside of that my only experience was my stillborn effort to apply for WOFT when I was enlisted Army but it's a diferent process. And yes, you'll get 8 weeks of BootCamp before WOFT.
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