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Art Educator Career Switcher Trying To Go OCS


One Step At A Time. . .
Art Educator Career Switcher Trying To Go OCS
O.k. I'm a high school art teacher and I am preparing for the ASTB so that I can be considered as a candidate for OCS. I have a degree in Graphic Design and prior experience in architectural design, too.

Obviously, I don't have the same academic experience as the Math and Science majors on here, but I'm curious to know what type of chances there are for Liberal Arts majors.

I haven't seen any posts about career switchers or people with Liberal Arts degrees seeking to take the ASTB.

I know that my scores on the test will be the major determining factor--still, I'm curious to know.

P.S. I take the test in August


It's not my lawn. It's OUR lawn.
Plenty of people switch careers, myself included. You're chances are as good as you make them. As far as majors go, that has been covered a million times but I'm in primary right now with plenty of people with BA's in all sorts of liberal arts degrees.


Solidly part of the 42%.
Two things:

1) As long as your ASTB scores are good, it seriously doesn't matter what your degree is in or where it is from. It is just a check in the box; just as long as you don't intend on getting into the astronaut program later.

2) The ASTB is not the only determining factor. Plenty of weight will hang on your physical fitness, LORs, etc.

Good luck. Never feel like you're less just because of your degree. You'll have plenty of other stuff to make you feel like less of a person at OCS.


Pro-Rec Fighter Pilot
Do you really want to leave all of those high school girls to become a Naval Officer? Don't answer that question! People have been commissioned with any number of "strange" majors and also Women's Studies, Religion, etc.


Bringing the Noise!™
At least you had the BFA... I'm a General Studio Art major. And you know what, it means exactly zip. Unless you are going for the shuttle program, a BA in B.S. will get you to the cockpit just the same as an Engineering major. By the way, I scored pretty well on the ASTB and I'm doing just fine in flight school. It's all about how well you can adapt to the military lifestyle and instruction methods.

Good Luck!


I Can Has Leadership!
I had a kindergarten teacher in my API class. His major: elementary education. He ended up being one of the top 3 or 4 in the class and last I heard, he was winged as a helo pilot.

Like others have said, you'll be fine as long as you do well on the ASTB and the rest of you app looks good.

As far as flight school is concerned, I've said this many times before: Flight school is designed to take a guy who doesn't know the front end of an airplane from a donkey's hind end and teach him how to fly an airplane safely and proficiently.


War Hoover NFO.
Super Moderator
Art Educator Career Switcher Trying To Go OCS
O.k. I'm a high school art teacher and I am preparing for the ASTB so that I can be considered as a candidate for OCS. I have a degree in Graphic Design and prior experience in architectural design, too.
When you get to speaking with a recruiter and writing your motivational statement I suggest not worrying about your degree and leverage you work experience. In the case of a HS teacher maybe something along the lines of organizational skills, communication, setting high standards (unless you are in one of THOSE public schools;)), responsibility for student safety, etc. For someone coming from the workforce, a real career change versus a guy who bounced from tending bar to the kwiki mart, your employment experience is more important then your degree. Just remember, without the documented mastery of math and science that comes from a technical degree, you will have to do very well on the astb. Study, take it seriously. Good luck


Yankee Uniform Tango
As stated above, your degree doesn't matter. I have a degree in Computer Art, and my OSO didn't even flinch when I told him (I'm applying for USMC).

As for the ASTB, the math, physics, and reading sections are pretty much on a High School level so I doubt you'll have any problems with those. The Spatial Apperception and Aviation and Nautical Information Test would be the only 'new' information you'd have to learn.

Liberal Arts > *



Teaching MIDN how to drift a BB
Do you really want to leave all of those high school girls to become a Naval Officer?

He wants to BE a Naval Officer so he can get the high school girls!:eek:

My wifes friend was an art teacher. Seemed like an ideal job. You basically get to sit around and converse with students, make your art, and grading is a cinch. And you get paid to do it. But then again, my wife teached math. Apples and oranges I guess.


One Step At A Time. . .
Thanks for all of the input. Now that school is out, I'm studying my tail off for my test in August. Thanks again.