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Honda seems to be making great strides with its ASIMO human-like robot. I'd be surprised if AI speech wasn't in the near future as well.


EDIT: yeah, i know the article is almost two years old, but its news to me, and wanted to see if anyone had seen him/her/it in person yet. And to make things a little more current, they released in september that Honda had taken what it learned in making ASIMO move like a human, and applied it towards mobility devices for the disabled.



New Member
I saw it at an ASIMO show in the innovations building next to space mountain at Disneyland. They had it play soccer, walk up and down stairs, and do chores in a house-like room. It reminded me of Rosie from the Jetsons. ASIMO was definitely impressive in the way he moved, and the commands he could follow. There was a big screen that showed what ASIMO was seeing, and at one point they had him walk over to the crowd and look at you. It was certainly uncanny to a degree.
Bottom line: I want one :tongue2_1