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Aspring Naval Aviator


New Member
I am a 16 year old boy from KS who dreams of become a pilot in the Navy. I recently visited the USS Midway in San Diego, CA and it just made me want my dream even more. I am really intrigued by the Naval Academy in Maryland. I have some questions that I would like answered! I am a 4.0 student with a ACT score of 28 entering my junior year of high school. How much higher does that need to be? Also, I play 3 varsity sports so I am fit and athletic. I am 5'11" and 140 lbs so I am not the biggest kid. Would my strength matter? Also give any advice of the path I should take to fulfill my dream! Thank you!
Hey man, I'm at the Academy now and can help you if you have any more questions. I was pretty similar to you when I applied with a high gpa, some sports, and tall and skinny. If you are fit the physical standards to apply shouldn't be something to worry about. You take the CFA which consists of a 1 mile run, push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, a shuttle run, and a basketball throw. Your ACT score is decent but could be better and you have plenty of time to retake it if you want. You might want to try the SAT too as some people do better on one or the other. For now continue to focus on getting leadership roles in any sports and clubs you do as well as keeping your grades up. If you are a rising high school junior you can apply for the Summer Seminar program which will go on next summer for you to learn more about the Academy first hand. If you have any more questions let me know.


Well-Known Member
Site Admin
As a fellow tall and skinny person, I would say start working on your core and arms. If you're in varsity athletics, you're probably already fit, but increasing strength over the next two years will go a long ways. Also, the basketball throw requires some technique. Find out what the standard is and then set up a distance and practice. It's not hard, but keeping your butt down while getting enough ass behind the throw takes a little practice for those with Wesley Crusher arms.


Dirty Hinge
Good luck, lots of good info here. The extra-curricular activities and grades go a long way. Another part of the process is actually getting through the process. Scheduling interviews, completing the package, getting the recommendation. Lots of work, but well worth the effort.

Uncle Fester

Robot Pimp
Super Moderator
A varsity athlete with good grades should have no trouble being admitted. If you don't do any other extracurriculars besides sports, pick one or two that interest you and work toward a leadership position within them.

Talk to the BGO and if this is something you want, do the work yourself. It's a tough place to be and if you don't have the self-motivation to put together your admissions package yourself (not mom or dad), it'll be very easy to find reasons to leave.

Otherwise, keep your nose clean, stay in shape, and don't get arrested or knock anyone up.


New Member
Thank you all! This info has helped me and my family so much!

Here are some positions I've held or groups I've been apart of (I would like opinions of if it would be on the right track:

Freshman class president
Sophomore class president
Construction program
Catholic Knights of the Altar
4.0 GPA
Varsity 6th man in basketball (Freshman)
Varsity Starter Basketball (Sophomore)
Varsity Starting QB (Sophomore)
All Area Basketball Team (Sophomore)
High School Renaissance Leadership Team
Foreign Language

That's all I can think of in this car right now


New Member
Hi and sorry this is very off topic but does anybody know if NROTC has begun sending out the yes or no decisions for College Program MIDN for the 3 year scholarships yet? I was told around early/mid July and haven't heard anything yet.
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Well-Known Member
Way to give the kid some Google homework. That show ended 5 years before he was born.
Unless he watches Big Bang Theory:



Adulting is hard
I grew up visiting the USS Intrepid Museum and also touring ships that would visit NYC for Fleet Week so I can relate. The only thing I would add to the good advice above is that you should also be open-minded to the other opportunities you will have upon graduation from the Academy so that you have the right mindset of wanting to serve as an Officer first. You'll get great exposure to some of those paths on your Summer Cruises. Of course, we are all pulling for you to Fly Navy (or USMC) so go for yours!