I know I'm going about it all backwards, but I have enlisted in the Navy and leave in August. I plan on beginning my OCS package at book camp, and the week before I leave I am taking the ASTB in Montgomery, AL. I don't want to sound conceited, but I feel very confident that I will blow the test out of the water. I made a 99 on the ASVAB without studying, and for the ASTB i'm going to be extremely prepared. I was informed by an OSO that a DUI I recieved in college would keep me from a direct commission, so everybody saying, "why not go in officer?"....that's why. Boo hoo but I gotta face the facts and I accept that the sophomoric actions of a young boy can limit the actions and desires of the man who learned from his mistakes. Even if my scores are the top percentile there is a strong possiblility I will not get accepted for flight training or OCS at all. I plan on applying at least three times, and I am inquiring to anyone who will listen...Do I have any chance at all for Navy OCS or am I fighting an uphill battle. I am determined, and even if I don't get in I will get my private pilot, cfi, and commercial/mult-engine ratings.