I am a former United States Marine SGT, with two ground combat tours in Iraq. I'm new on this site, and it attracted my attention when I was searching the internet for help pertaining to the ASTB. I'm sure you guys get alot of cases such as myself with applicants inquiring information about the ASTB. I am on my last two semesters of college, and have already started my application process towards becoming a marine officer. I passed the required score for the ASVAB, handed in my package to my OSO, and remained fit. My lifelong goal has always been to fly as a fighter pilot of some sort. I have been studying the ARCO version of the ASTB, that I purchased from Barnes and Noble about a week ago. Are there any other tools out there that may be of significant use? I am open to any suggestions that will help me pass this thing and aid me into obtaining a flight contract for the Marine Corps. Anybody that could be of any help please feel free to get in touch.
Andrew F. Gosselin Jr.
Andrew F. Gosselin Jr.