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ASTB Help!!

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Registered User
I've been trying to get into the BDCP pilot program but I keep failing on the Pilot Bio Portion of the test. I just took it the second time and now have to wait 6 months to take it:(. Any Suggestions on how to pass it. The recruiter says I have to be aggressive but how aggressive? I also have less than a year to graduate from college (Only 6 classes after the summer) will that affect my chances in getting accepted to the program? Any feedback would be great.



Registered User
P.S. After I took it the second time the recruiter graded it and said that I passed the test (4 bio) but when they got the test scores from pensacola I did not qualify. I took the test on Feb 4 and got all my paper work for the program done last week. And now just before Im about to send mt packet in they say my test scores did not qualify. They had that information for over 3 months to tell me but they barely tell me now. I thought it sounded fishy but maybe I'm just paranoid. Can I get a waiver for the Bio portion?


Registered User
Keep trying! Regardless of what the BI indicated on your last test, taking the ASTB after a setback like yours will show your determination to good effect. Study hard to improve all areas of your test, even if you did excellent on them last time, and answer as aggressively as possible in the BI while still being truthful. Good luck!



Registered User
I don't think they're using the BI sections anymore. Check page 2 of this forum for a post by Dave Shutter for more info. You may want to call up your recruiter and ask about this. Just a thought.

- spider

Edited by - spidrwmn on 05/21/2002 11:01:11


Registered User
I seem to remember the same about a week or so maybe two ago there was a string of post saying they didn't use BI anymore. Don't know what the date is that they stopped using it though.

Jason Williams

Registered User
They quit using the bio a couple of months ago but are gettin very selective on the packets there sending in. People who may qaulify for a pilot slot are not getting approved by cnrc. I'd check with your recruiter and ask about that bio thing, he may just not want to submit the packet. This was a problem I had with an Air Force Recruiter in PHX.


Registered User
Are you hearing that a lot of packets are being rejected from Tennessee? I haven't heard this. But my recruiter said that he has never had a packet rejected, but he has certain requirements that he has above the minimums before he will submit a packet.

Jason Williams

Registered User
Yes they will reject packets. They are filling pilot slots fast and have 34 left for 2003. What that exactly means i dont know. It may mean you enter API in the Fiscal year 2003 who knows. If your score is just OK, then maybe the best bet is to study and retake it. I'm currently TAD at the PHX NRD and this is what i hear. Take all with a grain of salt but most of it sounds logical. I.E. the airlines are not hiring.


Registered User
Actually 34 slots is accurate as to what I am hearing. Actually, I have heard 30 with the possibility that they will be adding 100 slots. That 100 is not confirmed and they have not decided if they will do it, and if so when they will do it. From what I have heard they are at the March/April area for assigning OCS slots.


Registered User
Thanks all for the help and advice. I just talked to my recruiter and he said that they are bringing back the BI score because there are so few slots available now. I Guess I'll just have to wait till august now. Thanks again


Registered User
Out of curiosity, you said August. My recruiter told me that they will not release 04 slots until 01 May 2003. Just curious what August will bring?


Registered User
I will retake the ASTB in august after my 180 days are up. Just curious if anyone knows if I get my packet in by the end of august and DO get accepted will there be any slots still avialable for 2003? What would be the earliest OCS date i could get?
Thanks for the info


Registered User
I originally tested in Navy Intel, but last week my recruiter at Raleigh, NC said that I can change Intel to NFO, therefore I did. He said that they are NOT using the BI, at least for NFO, which is what we talked about.

Further, does anyone know how NFO's are assigned to aircraft? Such as T-props or jets?


Edited by - aoconnor on 06/11/2002 16:32:47

Ed Williams

Registered User
OCS doesn't count toward your flight score at all.. Your placement is mainly based on how you perform in primary, and a small part from API. When you get your final NSS (score) what you get depends on what everyone in your class and the other squadron have for their nss. its a crap shoot.
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