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ASTB Prep.

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Registered User
Can anyone recommend a good way to prepare for the ASTB. I just got the ARCO book but I'm looking for a book or website that I can get the aviation basics from. (ID different parts of the plane and practice for those perspective questions.) Any help would be awesome.



Registered User
You can access the ARCO book online at:


It is in .pdf format, but you cannot copy, save or print it. Perhaps it has some different questions in the aviation section. As for other means, there are plenty of books to look at in reference to basic flying knowledge. Here is the link to excerpts of one of them:


I have no idea what is in the excerpts, but the book is great.


Edited by - agent00jp on 04/13/2002 11:21:20


Registered User
ahsndpro - There have been numerous discussions about the ASTB. Use the search option (upper right corner of the screen) to scroll through previous posts for tips and exam question examples.

- spider


OCC 191 Select
They definately want you to be a risk taker, but do you really think they want a yes answer to rebellious? I kinda wonder about that one but I guess it could go either way. On one end they want ppl. who will listen to authority on the other they want ppl. who will think for themselves. If you answer honest you will be fine b/c you only need less than a 50/50 split of positives to pass the biographical inventory. Also, spider rec. some great books to me that I rec. to all of you studying: How to Solve Word Problems in Algebra and Arco's guid to spatial and mechanical aptitude tests..... Good luck. I'm in the same boat applying for BDCP for my senior year....


Registered User
Lesson #1: Don't lie on a bio or any other personality test. The purpose of the bio section of the ASTB is to assess your compatability with the Naval Aviation program and perhaps the fact of you trying to conceal parts of your personality that you think may be undesirable is part of the test.

Lesson #2: Hopefully you now realize that, while the purpose of this board is to discuss issues regarding Aviator applications, you have overstepped a boundary by discussing specific questions from the bio section. Unlike discussion of specific questions from other parts where a specific theorem or principle is applied to a certain type question, the bio section is inherently meant to be answered by the individual (there are no right or wrong answers, only true ones). In telling others to answer specific questions in a certain way you have tainted the results of the test and delegitimized its effectiveness. There is a reason why the study manuals do not list "correct" answers for this section.

I feel that you should edit out the portion of your message that deals with those specific questions



Registered User
We are all helping each other get where we want to be. There is nothing wrong w/ a little gouge, and informing people what the navy is looking for in a naval aviator, and discussing the experiences that we have had that are helping us get there. I think before demanding people to change their post you should think about starting at the source. The marine "study guide" has exact questions off of the ASTB. Every single college navy club, or ROTC detachment has copies of the answers to this study guide floating around, I almost guarantee it. I'm a strong believer that if you want something, you can get it, but you have to want it bad enough. Gouge on the ASTB, study guides, and how to answer the bio section are out there, and if somebody really wants to become a Naval Aviator and wants it bad enough to search through sites and ask people numerous questions about it, I see no shame in that from either party.


Edited by - vballindaytona on 04/23/2002 05:47:18


Registered User
Are there variations of the Marine study guide? I just want to know so I'll can start looking for them. I've now set an official date to start the application process. July 5(I wanted the fourth, but that's a federal holiday) Yipee!!




Registered User
Dawgfighter - All the guides I've seen have been the same, but maybe someone else has seen another one?
I'm finally going to get back to my application over summer too. When are you hoping to go to OCS?

- spider

Edited by - spidrwmn on 04/23/2002 13:10:07


Registered User
July or August of next year. Preferably the latter so it won't be too hot. If it's July, it won't be that much of a biggie. I can take the heat. I've got southern blood in me(and a little Arizona too)




Registered User
August is also pretty darn hot down there in P'Cola. I worked on a grounds crew while attending college there one summer and lost 15 pounds in the first two weeks!

So you think it'll take a year from starting the app process to getting your date?


Registered User
It won't take a year. It's just that that's when I'm available for it. The heat is a challenge that I'm up for. Yeah! (whatever) The perfect time for me however would be in the spring or fall when its cool enough to be invigorating and warm enough to keep you outside.




Registered User

Being around the same latitute as Pensacola here in Louisiana, I can tell you from first hand experience that it's just plain hot. And August is the hottest month of the year around here, so it might be for Pensacola also. Really the humidity is what kills you. Kind of like breathing through a damp cloth and having one on your back too. And rain just makes it worse. Tell the truth, I've never seen snow! It iced over once. I think it melted before noon. Oh well, it'll be fun and I know everyone is as excited as I am.

A posteriori
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