I just too my ASTB and Scored a 61 6/5/6. I want to be a pilot however my GPA in college was a 2.51 in a non-technical degree. I was hoping to score at least 7's across the board since my GPA isn't the best and I don't have the best type of degree. As far as math and reading comprehension I have no doubt I aced those sections. I struggled with mechanical apptitude, naval history, and aviation/nautical information. Those three categories are relatively new to me and I did a 3 week crash course on learning the information from gouges. I am debating on strengthening my abilities in these areas before I submit my package. My question is two part. Can I submit my package and if I am not pro-recd resubmit my package for the very next board, or is there a waiting period. As well if there is a waiting period I will probably attempt the ASTB again before I submit my package for the first time depending on what feedback I get about the scores. The gouges and posts on this site have been a great help and I appreciate any additional advice.