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New Member
Hey all,

New to the forums and was just told about them from an Ensign at the Cleveland, OH OCS Recruiting Center.

I took my ASTB on 4 June and passed it. My goal was to get a Pilot or NFO slot and unfortunately I only missed it by 1 point on my Math. Seeing as how I didn't study as hard as I certainly should have I was told to retake it and or take the commission with the current ASTB Scores and go into Intel. (As long as I am in the air, I will be happy) Seeing as Intel Officers are generally always in the air that is my 3rd Job Choice. Pilot/NFO 1st and 2nd respectively.

Any advice on studying? I have the ASTB Gouge packet and will be putting a daily effort into stepping up my knowledge of this test before my retake on 6 July.

Also, if anyone has any advice or comments regarding Pilot/NFO/Intel please fill me in. I unfortunately didn't have a lot of time when I was at the OCS Recruiting Station and I live 3 1/2 hours from it so I had a decent drive back home. Please feel free to speak your mind I would appreciate it.



New Member
Interesting. I am just going by what both Chief's told me after taking the computerized version. They said if my "Math score had been a little higher, I would have been able to put in for a Pilot/NFO slot" and I was unaware Intel was more competitive.

I certainly don't want to go through OCS and then find out I don't have one of the 3 job choices I want.

I scored 5/5/6/46 when I took it cold, but I am retaking and studying this time around.

Im positive I can up my scores to at least a 7/7/7/60+. The hardest part for me was Math/Mechanics so I will be hitting that section hardest for studying. Any other advice?



New Member
Interesting. I am just going by what both Chief's told me after taking the computerized version. They said if my "Math score had been a little higher, I would have been able to put in for a Pilot/NFO slot" and I was unaware Intel was more competitive.

I certainly don't want to go through OCS and then find out I don't have one of the 3 job choices I want.

I scored 5/5/6/46 when I took it cold, but I am retaking and studying this time around.

Im positive I can up my scores to at least a 7/7/7/60+. The hardest part for me was Math/Mechanics so I will be hitting that section hardest for studying. Any other advice?


If you have a high GPA with an ASTB of 5/5/6/46, you would still have a shot at Pilot/NFO. As for the studying and better preparing yourself, get a copy of the 6th edition ARCO Flight Aptitude Test Book. This will help a lot. You can also find loads of good gouge on this site as well, just do a search.



New Member
Thanks for the input.

I was searching this site earlier and found the ARCO book a couple Gouges and I have the original ASTB-Overview and Gouge I was sent via email from the Chief. I take the Test in July and tomorrow morning is official start to my study period. Reviewing two hours a day until the retake on top of upping my workout routine.



"I live vicariously through myself."
In addition to the Arco Books, get the Barron's Study Guides too. I would also recommend buying every version you can find of both, the more practice tests you take, the better. Make sure you are using the time limits too.