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ASTB score.

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Registered User
I just got my scores from the ASTB. I got a 58. I think I did pretty well, but I wasn't sure what is considered a "safe" score. I was hoping someone could give me some insight.


Registered User
that is extremely well, there is no such thing as a safe score though. The whole person concept and "needs of the navy" are two phrases that you need to get accustomed to. But that is a great score, congrats.


Registered User
I just started the application process. I am hoping that everything goes smoothly and that I have everything turned in by mid September. Unfortunately, I understand there is an extremely long wait to go to OCS. The recruiter told me as long as a year or two.


Registered User
True, my suggestion is to excercise everyday and run a lot while you are going through the application process so that you will be ready for the prt.


Registered User
I've been jogging and exercising for about a month now. I was in really good shape before I started, but there is always room for improvement!

Dave Shutter

Registered User
Good job, anything above 50 OAR and 5's across the board are decent scores but again the question is competetiveness. In a closed system decreased economy with increased patriotism equals a flood of people into the military. According to you guys on the street it's been a tough year so you never know. If the ASTB fairy gave you a wish of increasing one score it should be the PIFAR, that's the major one they look at as far as pilot selction goes. I got 7 out of 9, probably the reason I'm here. How's the rest of your app. look?


Registered User
The biographical inventory and aviation interest sections held me back a bit. My scores on the math/verbal, aviation/nautical, spacial apperception, and mechanical comprehension were all 7's or 8's. I expect to have the rest of my application submitted in time for my physical in September.


Registered User
please critique...

my scores:

58 OAR, 8 AQT, 8 PFAR, 6 FOFAR, 6 PBI, 5 FOBI

applying for pilot...

i have a B.S. in MIS from UC Santa Cruz (which was a pass/fail establishment -- no grades, only narrative evaluations -- yes, i know)...

my PRT was lacking... 1.5 mi in 12:20, 53 pushups, and 50 curlups

4 letters of recommendation, one from an active duty Captain

what should i expect?? (my packet has been off for about a month now...)


Registered User
you are REALLY close to my stats and I was denied. I can go ahead and assure you that with any 1.5 mile time less than 12:00 you will get denied. The good news is that you can fix that part really quick. Your ASTB is really good (I'm retaking tomorrow and I would be VERY happy with that score) I can't imagine the Navy allowing you to not give a gpa (but I don't know everything) I hope this helps some, I would not suggest submitting until you redo your PRT and get your 1.5 under 12:00.


Registered User
i will check w/my recruiter regarding that run time... i sure hope that's not the case... but we'll see... my recruiter did not indicate that i would have a problem w/that time, but he doesn't seem to know a whole lot sometimes, though he is mostly on top of things...

thanks for your advice, and good luck on your retake!

oh, and regarding the GPA issue, the board will see that I had a 3.6 GPA up until I transferred to UC Santa Cruz... don't know if that's going to help or not...

Edited by - scruples on 09/09/2002 19:49:55
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