hey guys - just logged on to this site a week ago in prep for the astb - planning on being a marince corp NFO. i took the test this morning and scored very well eventhough i was really worried about it. to be quite honest i probably overstudied but in hindsight i'd rather over study then understudy. anyway - to help those planning on taking the test - U MUST GET THE STUDY GUIDES OFF THIS SITE - the aviation and nautical info section was almost verbatim from the study guide - i got 26 out of 30 right on that section and i'd say i got 20 of those answers DIRECTLY from the study guide - it is a MUST - also the arco book is useful - only for the practice test - which is a great way to help u with the time constraint, and the spatial section - but to b quite honest even the study guide was more helpful for the spatial part. so anyway get the study guide - next for me is the flight physical.