New Member
Hey...I'm new to this site and I have a question about the ASTB test. I've been using the search function and have found alot of useful information....But my question is a little different...This is my situation...I just finished my freshman year in college...and am planning on doing Marine PLC...but I am also considering going the Navy route as well...I talked to the Marine Officer Recruiter and asked him if I needed to be doing anything with regards to testing/applying for an air contract and I mentioned the ASTB test... He said that he would see me in August and I would take it then...I just need to know the dates or timelines of the ASTB test...is august of my sophmore year in college the latest i could take the test?? I hate to ask the recruiter this and act like I'm trying to weasel my way out of something..so i thought i'd ask the question here for some advice...I would rather wait to take the test and have more time...SOOO...what are the timelines and when is the latest to take it for marines/navy or both...if anyone has done the plc program for aviation...WHEN DID YOU TAKE THE ASTB BEFORE GOING IN AND DOING THE PLC PROGRAM... thanks