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Attn: All Members


Well-Known Member
Morning All,

Need to ask your assistance. We have just launched the new mil aviation forum for Cleared HOT and would like to ask for your help in growing it, and creating a healthy Naval & USMC Aviation section. In addition everyone who joins the new forum also gets complimentary ongoing subscription to Cleared HOT and next issue has just been released.

The forum is at: http://www.clearedhotforum.com

Thanks in advance everyone and appreciate your assistance, also hope you enjoy the latest issue of the magazine :)




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Renegade One

Well-Known Member
Morning All, ...Need to ask your assistance.
Soon as a Mod tells me this is "Good To Go"....

But in the meantime...how does this differ or expand or improve on AW? Mission/Vision/Goals statement? Don't mean to go all TQL on you...I know you're a "well-respected dude" with a lot to offer....just don't have any interest in going down another rat-hole without some knowledge (or a flashlight and a .45).

I've been kicked out of better bars than this one...;)

HAL Pilot

Well-Known Member
Ned is a long time member here and gives our membership free stuff all the time. He has had Websan's approval to post about his magazines and sites for years.


Well-Known Member
Soon as a Mod tells me this is "Good To Go"....

It's "Good To Go."

Ned has been a longtime member of AW, and has Webmaster's blessing to promote his ventures here. Ned and his Kia Kaha Media company is a "heavy" in rotary-wing aviation (as well as power boating, equestrian, and F1 racing). He's a good friend of aviation, and his photography is second-to-none.

Suggest you (and everyone else on AW) take advantage of his generous offer.

Edit: HAL beat me to it. (That's what I get for starting a reply, then recharging my drinking vessel ;) )


Well-Known Member
Super Moderator
R1, we had this exact same issue with you calling out Ned a month or so ago. Try to keep up.


Well-Known Member
R1 - I have no problem with questions about what we are doing. ;)

Its very simple, we have progressed to stage 2 for our magazine Cleared HOT, it started off as a helos only mag, then we moved to Stage 2 which was to expand it to a global military aviation magazine which covers all areas of military aviation fighters, helos, transports, recon, weapons - you name it. We have also launched our new forum which will have news from all these areas as well. Whereas Air Warriors is strictly Navy, USMC and CG based ops, the new forum covers all areas and is not service specific. We collect military aviation related news items from all parts of the globe and plan to make it a one stop place for any and all news related to military aviation.

Also for anyone who signs up to the forum http://www.clearedhotforum.com we automatically add your email address to the VIP e-update which goes out when each issue is added into the VIP area. It lets you know that its now available for you to get, freebie of course :)

The new forum is not one service specific so we want to ensure Naval and Marine Corps Aviation and the USCG have a good representation there, hence my post here.

Hope that answers your questions and hope to see some of the members from here come and sign up on our forum.

Thanks everyone.

