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Attrition Rate

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Woo Woo
Does anyone know what the attrition rate at OCS is? I can remember that 2 guys DORed from my OSO this summer. Just wondering what it is as a whole.


Registered User
It varies, from most you'll hear 40% which is usually true but decieving because if you have a female platoon they'll attrite at least 60%. So if your a guy expect about every fifth or fourth guy.


People drop out from OCS and OCC??? What the hell are they thinking?

Then again...these words are coming from the mouth (or fingers) of someone who hasn't been to either, but hope they get the chance.


He'll dazzle you with terms like "Code Red."
erinbynight said:
People drop out from OCS and OCC??? What the hell are they thinking?

Then again...these words are coming from the mouth (or fingers) of someone who hasn't been to either, but hope they get the chance.

You also haven't heard the DOR speeches that the OCS staff give. They can have incredible powers of persuasion, particularly when combined with fatigue and stress.

"We have 59 candidates now in this platoon, and I'm pretty sure we're not going to graduate 59." Repeat periodically throughout the training cycle with a steadily decreasing number of candidates.

"We've been here for 2 weeks and it's obvious that some people here aren't cutting it. You should know who you are. If you're one of the people I'm thinking of, you can make things a lot easier on both of us."

"I am as indifferent to all of you as humanly possible."

"Hey... some of us are just going to have to go away."

(after billet holder has made a few mistakes in front of the platoon) "Why don't you just save me some friggin' paperwork and DOR?"

"We've been here for ___ weeks, and I think it's obvious that if you haven't figured most of this stuff by now, you should be thinking about a different line of work."

"There are a lot of ways to serve your country besides making the Marine Corps deal with a jacked-up second lieutenant."

"Were you drunk when you walked into your OSO, candidate?"

"If you're really not sure whether you're going to take your commission when you graduate, you should probably just DOR now because it takes a lot of commitment."
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